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steva44 09-22-2007 02:57 AM

Whole Tank Setup 4 sale
Hello Everyone, I got a 110 gal, 5ft wide, on a custom black pine stand. It has compact flourescent lighting with actinincs and moon lights all on timers. It has a non-drilled siphon overflow that flows into an acrylic 20 gal eco-mud refugium/sump. Has a large protein skimmer with a brand new pump, and an electronic adjustable wavemaker with a high power return pump. Electronic pH/Salt/temperature monitors. Very Very low maintenance with now filters to clean or replace. The mud and the algae do all the filtering for you.

Live Stock
-Blue Regal Tang
-Yellow Tang
-Yellow Tailed Damsels (2)
-Blue Green Chromis (6)
-Lawnmower Blenny
-Dart Fish
-Clarkii (black/white) clown fish
-Percula Clown fish (2)
-Large Mushrooms
-Large Ricordias
-Scroll Coral
-Pulsing Xenia
-Flower pot colonies
-Large Devils Finger coral
-Large Colt Coral
-Chili Coral
-Green Tube anenome
-Feather Duster
-Purple Tube anenome
-12" purple carpet anenome hosted by the clarkii
-12" Bubble tip anenome hosted by the two perculas
-cleaner, peppermint and mantis shrimp
-large hermit and lobster
-many small hermits and snails

approx. 100 lbs of cured live rock

Comes with all chemicals, test kits and food needed to keep you running for a while.
asking $1500

email for pics

deep6er 09-22-2007 05:02 AM

Please post a price.

Tigger 09-22-2007 02:34 PM

e-mail sent

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