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albert_dao 09-22-2007 12:34 AM

Zeovit price drops!
Alright, for anyone who's been on the fence about Zeovit (worried about the costs?), here's some new pricing:

Basic Four (required to run Zeovit)

Zeovit media 1 L $13.49

Zeobak 10 mL $15.49
Zeobak 50 mL $57.99

ZEOfood 7 10 ml $14.99
ZEOfood 7 50ml $28.49
ZEOfood 7 500ml $95.99

ZEOstart 2 250ml $33.99
ZEOstart 2 500ml $56.49
ZEOstart 2 1000ml $94.99

Supplemental products (used for further enhancement of your reef tank environment)

ZEOspur Macroelements 250m $33.99
ZEOspur Macroelements 500ml $55.99

ZEOspur 2 Konz. 250ml $33.99
ZEOspur 2 Konz. 500ml $56.45
ZEOspur 2 Konz. 1000ml $94.99

ZEOlife 1L $29.49
ZEOlife 5L $121.99
ZEOlife 10L $214.99

- These are the clay products that have become increasingly popular in Europe to increase water clarity.

Stylo Pocci Glow 50ml $25.49
Stylo Pocci Glow 100ml $43.99

Sea Water Complex 500ml $44.99
Sea Water Complex 1000ml $72.49
Sea Water Complex 5000ml $269.99

Potassium Iodide/Fluoride 50ml $25.99
Potassium Iodide/Fluoride 100ml $45.99

Amino Acid Concentrate 50ml $33.99
Amino Acid Concentrate 100ml $56.99
Amino Acid Concentrate 250ml $94.99

- Amino acids have conclusively been shown to have positive effects on corals including increased PE, growth and coloration (

Aminoacid Concentrate LPS 250ml $33.99
Aminoacid Concentrate LPS 500ml $56.49

Coral Vitalizer – Coralfood 50ml $38.49
Coral Vitalizer – Coralfood 100ml $59.99

- I have personally found that this product goes amazing lengths to promoting better growth and coloration in SPS corals.

K-Balance Potassium conc 500ml $39.99
K-Balance Potassium conc 1000ml $77.99

K-Balance Strong 1000ml $99.99

B-Balance 500ml $39.99
B-Balance 1000ml $77.99

Coral Snow 250ml $25.99
Coral Snow 500ml $46.99
Coral Snow 1000ml $87.99

- GOOD PRODUCT! Everyone should try this stuff at least once! Seriously! Massive PE, better colors, better water clarity, fantastic growth.

Trace Element Complex 500ml $22.45
Trace Element Complex Concentrate 1L $97.49

Magnesium Complex 500ml $22.49
Magnesium Complex Concentrate 1L $96.99

Strontium Complex 500mL $22.49
Strontium Complex Concentrate 1L $94.99

Iodide Complex Concentrate 50ml $36.49

In case you're wondering, the average monthly cost to run a 100 gallon tank works out to roughly $20.

If anyone has questions about Zeovit and its methodology, please feel free to asks questions here :D


michika 09-22-2007 02:45 AM

So how about an explination as to what a tank would use. What each product does, and why you should be using it. In general I'm quite confused about zeovit. I've been to the website, but it doesn't really seem to explain anything.

saltynuts 09-22-2007 03:14 AM

tagging along for the ride!!

littlesilvermax 09-22-2007 03:52 AM

I am here!

support@proline 09-22-2007 07:09 AM

Quick answer to those questions
Zeovit is a more natural approach to filteration in reef Aquaria.
By providing a carbon fuel source (Zeostart) & also vital elements to promote Bacterial growth (Zeofood) you are creating a controlled bacterial bloom .
Bacteria need less complex food source like PO4 or NO3 & also many have the ability to breakdown other compounds into less complex form & then utilize as a food source.
The bacteria is then exported by the skimmer which will in return reduce your nutrient levels in the system.
There are a few different Probiotic systems that have mainly been copied from Zeovit system ,the concepts are very similar in most cases ,however what is unique about Zeovit is the use of zeoliths as a media.
Zeoliths are naturaly occuring minerals & also there are synthetic ones as well.
The have the ability to selectively adsorb different compounds based on what type they are.
there are 3 different Types of Zeoliths in the Zeovit mix which will absorb NH4 & No3 ,...
Not only they take those compounds & organics out of the water but also provide a media for the bacteria to grow on & take advantage of the saturated nutrients ,by daily agitation of the media you put the bacteria back in the water some will be used by corals as food source & rest exported by the skimmer & therefore reduce nutrients.
I hope this helps

albert_dao 09-22-2007 07:26 AM

To further Shane's post - you'd be using the basic four products (zeoliths, bak, start2 and food7) to get everything going.

Here's the guide:

findingnemo1 09-22-2007 12:22 PM

Zeovit Price
How long will these prices be on sale?


albert_dao 09-22-2007 04:47 PM


digital-audiophile 09-22-2007 05:56 PM

Sweet. I am still waiting until after I get my new 90 built and running and upgrade my lights to go 100% zeovit but I might try that coral snow to see if it helps with my cyano and hair algae.

findingnemo1 09-23-2007 01:56 AM


So when will all this stuff be in stock. As i went in to get some today and there was not alot there.



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