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spencerC 08-22-2007 04:44 AM

Can I get some feedback on this aquascaping idea please?

(3 general "towers" of live rock with a long pile of LR behind them/in the middle creating 2 caves in between)

This is an idea i have for aquascaping in my standard rectangle-size aquarium that i'll be getting within the week, hopefully.:neutral:
Hopefully it makes a bit of sense!
I wanted to do something a bit creative and i thought this up.

The picture on top is pvc pipe, if i need it...?
I'm thinking cause it's not that big of a tank i can just get away with aqua-safe-gluing the pieces together to create this?

Are there any sites specifically about LR aquascaping?
Or a site with lots of good aquascaping-inspiring pictures?

michika 08-22-2007 04:56 AM

I like the general idea! You may want to consider making the towers uneven heights, and the same with the caves. It will give you a more "natural" look.

I found this aquascaping photo that I'm hording as a possible idea. Although I'd do more like you're planning with some caves and bridges.

spencerC 08-22-2007 05:05 AM

Thanks :smile:

Yeah i tried to make them look uneven in the picture but it didn't work so well.
I kinda want there to be some very general symmetry, but we'll see how it goes.

I love the aquascaping in that picture, I wonder how that was done so seamlessly.
I dont even have my first tank and I'm already having ideas for my first upgrade to a 150+! haha.

There's only so much you can do with a 75 gallon.

I don't think I will need PVC pipe... will I?

bv_reefer 08-22-2007 05:25 AM

aqua scaping sure does take imagaination and alot of spare time,then worst of all when you're finally done you look at it from a view and automatically see something that can be ''better''! - knowing the right shapes,sizes, and type of rock for what you want to do sure helps, good idea though :smile:

Snappy 08-22-2007 05:26 AM

Depending on what you will be having in the tank, flow is a huge consideration. Make sure that your aquascaping will let the flow through where necessary. I like the general idea although you will be limited where you can place corals. Perhaps one of the columns could be flatter on top or make ridges that you attach corals to? Again it all depends on what you plan to keep.

niloc16 08-22-2007 05:38 AM

if you are going to do towers i would recommend pvc structure. it will be less chance of a rock slide

Redrover 08-22-2007 06:50 AM :robot: :
I agree with Colin use PVC pipe to form your structure ...take your larger rocks and zip tie them to your PVC structure, which in fact form caves.

Redrover 08-22-2007 06:53 AM :robot: :
I agree with Colin use PVC pipe to form your structure ...take your larger rocks and zip tie them to your PVC structure, which in fact form caves.

" Catherine that is one great looking tank "
Sorry for the double take

Dale 08-22-2007 07:40 AM

Hi Spencer,

Lots of people use PVC as suggested but one problem I see with your design is securing the PVC towers to the tank. You probably don't want to permanently bond them to the bottom glass yet silicone will not provide a reliable bond between PVC and glass as you have drawn it. If you go the PVC route you will need to create a more stable base for the towers.

Another option is to build towers of light diffuser material (egg crate) as I have done in this photo:

The panels are held together with electrical zip ties and the normally white egg crate can be spray painted black using Krylon fusion paint.
To make a tower as in your drawing I might suggest zip tying three panels together measuring say 3"x12" each (just for example). This will give you a triangular tower 12" high. The tower can be secured to the bottom of the tank using aquarium safe silicone. This is done by running a bead of silicone on each side of the egg crate and then gooping it through the grating so that the silicone meets and globs together. When it dries it will hold the egg crate firmly in place.

Here is a photo of how that egg crate structure looks now:

Redrover 08-22-2007 02:18 PM


This will give you a idea of rock work using PVC pipe :smilecol: :smilecol:

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