ReefJunkie |
07-27-2007 05:31 PM |
OMG What Have I Gotten Into?
I just took on a job looking after an 80 gallon system at a resort...what a nightmare!!!
I show up to see the tank and its under the front desk and full of hair algae, 6 small damsels, an adult Foxface, a large Puffer, 2 Clowns, and a mystery fish I didn't see. The maintenance guy (Tom) has been taking care of the tank for the last year since the aquarium guy moved away...uh oh. So I get talking to Tom and inform him the hair algae is not beneficial (so he thought).
:eek: I ask Tom when he did a water change last...Um never :eek: well at least not in the last year that he's been taking care of it!! At this point its not looking too good, ok maybe it'll get better. We go downstairs to look at the sump, into a small store room full of wine, after moving all the boxes he opens a 2' x 2' door thats about 4 feet off the floor and climbs in... :eek: . Inside the "hole" is dirt and rock floor and about 4 feeet of head room sloped up (just wait till you see the pics) with 2 sumps 1 tank and 1 container of some sort both with skimmers poking out of them, both skimmers not working :frown: . So dare I do water tests on this system? Results PH-7.7 Salt-1.026 Ammonia-0 Nitrites-0 Nitrates-PINK above 50ppm KH-60 or 1.2meq
O Gawd I'm gonna need some help with this one! Just going back out there now and I'll be back with all the Pics soon!