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digital-audiophile 07-27-2007 01:32 PM

Elite got in some really nice anemones last night
I picked up a beautifull blue/green w/pink tip BTA. It climbed up to the top of the tank and opened up overnight, just awesome!

Colby has I think 2 more more the same as what I purchased, a couple other color morphs and two large RBTA's.

The showstoppers though are two very stunning purple ritteri anemones! They are smaller sized - with maybe 2" oral disks but they will take your breath away!

I really struggled not to buy one as I have been thinking about getting a ritteri but with Tony's help and advice and a lot of research on the web I just don't have the space or resources to care for this animal long term.. but I tell you what, if you do have the right set up already, or are looking for a ritteri only tank, rush out and grab one of these guys, they are to die for!! (and you have to let me see it when it grows up because I am really curious if they will hold their amazing purple coloration as they grow)

- I hate sounding like an advertisement becuase that's not what this is :p Last night I really just stopped in to get an algae scrapper and made the "mistake" of walking down the fish isle :p I really need to stop doing that! And I didn't even walk out with a scraper because he was out of stock on the one I wanted! lol!

spikehs 07-28-2007 03:44 AM

thanks for the heads up! I went and picked up one of the blue/green bta's. Its awsome... its not fully expanded yet, but its got a blue/green/gray hue to it, with BRIGHT pink tips. It looks awsome. I'll take a pic when its full acclimated. I'd recommend getting the last one, as these are really nice. $50 w/ taxes.

digital-audiophile 07-28-2007 03:51 AM

Sweet! I'm glad you saw them and liked it enough to buy one :) At $50 it was a steal IMHO. How did the RBTA's look? They were just peaking out last night and from what I saw they looked like a really nice red.

Were both ritteri's still there? Amazing colour on those eh?

Delphinus 07-28-2007 05:34 AM

The rose I saw was an incredibly rich red colour. Very nice.

I'm fairly certain that the ritteri's are small sebae's though. SPECTACULAR purple on them. :)

spikehs 07-28-2007 05:31 PM

aggggg, took a quick peak at my tank to see where the anemone had settled in and found that it settled into the hydro powerhead! arg, I managed to get it out, and it looks like it should be ok, although its not expandin too much at the moment (lights are off too).. Hopefully it recovers fine or i'll be ****ed.

digital-audiophile 07-28-2007 05:42 PM

:( I hope it is ok and didn't get hurt too much.

Zoaelite 07-28-2007 05:57 PM

Im going to talk to Colby at elite and see if he can start an account for himself on here. Hes a great resource for everyone in the south (Seeing as there is realy only him down here) and he is an EXPERT in both Salt and Freshwater. I recommend him and Elite aquatics to anyone looking for a LFS.

Der_Iron_Chef 07-28-2007 06:01 PM

He does have an account here, but rarely uses it (from what I understand). His username is "little_c".

maxxxim 07-28-2007 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by i2as kass (Post 262640)
Im going to talk to Colby at elite and see if he can start an account for himself on here. Hes a great resource for everyone in the south (Seeing as there is realy only him down here) and he is an EXPERT in both Salt and Freshwater. I recommend him and Elite aquatics to anyone looking for a LFS.

Agreed. Great guy to go to for advice and help, well thats what I do anyways hahah. I saw the BTAs today and they are sweet. The colours are amazing. Ohhh and Levi, I think we used to work together.

Skimmer Juice 07-31-2007 05:16 PM

I find him to be a little rude just like wai. If you dont buy anything he does not seem to want anything to do with you. Just my opinion.

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