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StuartC 07-16-2007 07:24 PM

Guaging interest
Downsizing due to other commitments and interested in selling:
150 g All-Glass Aquarium (full reef-ready) - empty and in storage ($700).
Matching hand-crafted stand (over-engineered with angle-iron etc)($150)
Mega-Flow 4 sump with bio-balls/hoses/clamps etc ($200)
3 RIO 2500 pumps (all less than 3 mos old)
2 SEIO M820's
4' Outer-orbit light (purchased in Jan for $900).
40w Pentair UV filter (2 mos old)
Euroreef skimmer RS135 (2 mos old)
4' Hagan (undrilled) tank with matching cedar stand now containing:
100+ lbs premium live rock, four anemones (3 softball sized gbta's and 1 baseball sized rbta), dozen perculas, 2 flame-srimp, 10-12 cleaners, 1 yellow watchman gobie (4"), 1 sand-sifter gobie, 1 sand-sifting star (8"), regal-tang (8") and assorted other critters.
Lots of high-end peripherals (unfortunately my tastes don't run cheap).

Would like to sell whole works at a reasonable negotiated cash price, however, open to selling the 150g and clearing out the locker space first.


StuartC 07-26-2007 02:56 PM


fishface 08-03-2007 05:14 PM

pm'd you...awaiting response.

StuartC 08-05-2007 03:30 PM

150 g All-Glass Aquarium (full reef-ready) - empty and in storage --$700---SOLD
Matching hand-crafted stand (over-engineered with angle-iron etc)--$150---SOLD
Mega-Flow 4 sump with new bio-balls/hoses/clamps etc (selling used on E-Bay for $400US)--$200---SOLD
3 RIO 2500 pumps (all less than 3 mos old) ----------$200---SOLD
2 SEIO's ----------------------------------------- ----$100---SOLD
4' Outer-orbit 24-Hour HQI-150 Lighting system (purchased in Jan for
40w Pentair UV filter (2 mos old) -------------------- $200---SOLD
Euroreef skimmer RS135----------------------------- $350---SOLD

100+ lbs premium live rock (Mostly Vanuatu/Fiji)------ $500---------SOLD pending pick up

Livestock: Four anemones (3 softball sized gbta's and 1 baseball sized
rbta), dozen perculas, 2 flame-srimp, 10-12 cleaners, 1 yellow watchman
gobie (4"), 1 sand-sifter gobie, 1 sand-sifting star (8"), regal-tang (8")
and assorted other critters - $200---------------------------------

Older 4' Hagan (undrilled) tank with matching cedar stand ----$100 ----still available
Hang-off-back wet/dry filter with auto top-off resevoir-----$150--------still available > make an offer on all ?
Aqua C Remora Pro Hang-off-back skimmer with Mag 3 pump--$200------still available

zoomin 08-05-2007 04:50 PM


dacyn46 11-10-2007 04:17 AM

looking for percs will pick up when convenient with you

findingnemo1 11-10-2007 05:20 AM

:) And this one

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