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Farrmanchu 07-02-2007 05:37 AM

4.4 Gallon Build
I built a tank out of 5mm glass, sanded all edges to make it look nice, and divided it in half with tinted glass. The tank measures 16x8x8.

Here's the divider, will act as a wier/overflow, it's drilled in the middle with a DIY bulkhead

Here it is installed in the tank

About 5-6 pounds of premium Liverock

Empty Display

Now with rock in

Clearing up

Full tank shot

One lonely resident in the Fuge right now

Tank has been running since Friday, but the water and sand, and some rock came directly from my 55 Reef. So, I'm not anticipating a huge cycle, just waiting for it to become more stable. Eventually it will be home to a fish and a number of inverts, and Corals of course.

NateL 07-02-2007 05:43 AM

what are you going to use for lighting?

Mik_101 07-02-2007 05:48 AM

live stock
What are you planing to keep in the nano tank??

fishytime 07-02-2007 02:02 PM

Tre cool. Looks good so far. Whatcha gonna stuff in there?

Farrmanchu 07-02-2007 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by NateL (Post 258313)
what are you going to use for lighting?

PC lighting, on both sides. Spiral compact on the Fuge, 50/50 on the display.

Farrmanchu 07-02-2007 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mik_101 (Post 258314)
What are you planing to keep in the nano tank??

1 clown, a shrimp or 2, cleanup crew. Pulsing hand, shrooms, maybe a Blasto.

justinl 07-02-2007 04:56 PM

sweet lil tank. i like what i see.

NateL 07-02-2007 05:43 PM

Looks cool, keep us updated.

Farrmanchu 07-15-2007 04:47 AM

Added the Wife's small Nemo, she doesn't like him cause he nips at her. I don't mind him at all, and I got a Panda Goby to keep him company. The fish aren't posing for pics though.

I'm working on the lighting configuration before building the actual Canopy. I'm pretty sure that I've decided on the bulb placement and reflector shape..........

Independent control now, but no timers yet. The cords have switches though.........
The reflectors are made from a piece of aluminum duct, pretty shiny on the inside, but I'm gonna work on polishing them to a mirror-like finish.

Dropped some frags in to see what they would do. Now I'll be able to tell if the lighting and flow is right.
Stuff is just kinda thown in there right now, I'll figure out final placement when I see how everything does.

The Fuge side is establishing nicely.......

Farrmanchu 07-22-2007 03:03 PM

I'm impressed with this little tank so far, and the Canopy will be built soon. A couple mishaps; When hooking the lights and pump up to a powerbar I added, I failed to plug in the pump properly, the result was the tank went without ANY circulation for 8+ hours(ALL night). In the morning, I discovered the problem, re-plugged in the pump, and found that NOTHING DIED! Nothing even looked bad. Then last night, I found Nemo on the floor, covered in Cat hair. I scooped him up, dropped him back in, he shed his Cat hair covering, and started swimming around like nothing happened. Hope he learned something, but I'm building the Canopy this week just in case.

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