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IluvHockey 06-11-2007 12:39 AM

Any Interest in a PS3 Fall of Man Canreef Clan?
I know some of you have PS3, so I thought I would ask.

I just recently got to play on-line and got my butt kicked as I don't play too often. Is there any interest to getting a canreef clan together or at least play on-line with some more reasonable people?

Der_Iron_Chef 06-11-2007 01:04 AM

Sounds fun. Unfortunately I'm an XBOX man! Now if you had asked to get a Halo 2 clan together....giddyup!!

IluvHockey 06-12-2007 05:32 PM

I am not a sony fanboy, So I envy you with the Halo and Gears of War. Bought the PS3 for blue ray. Resisitance is all they have to play until Warhawk and Rainbow Six is out.

MikeP 06-12-2007 08:37 PM

Man, you have a PS3 and a reef tank? I wish! If I somehow manage to get a PS3 I'll let ya know :)

danny zubot 06-13-2007 03:06 PM

PS3 + children + reef tank + building fence = dusty PS3

Nate 06-13-2007 03:18 PM

msg me
N8theGr8 is my PS3 name....Not on often, but i will teach you how to play some resistance if I am.... ;-)

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