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danny zubot 05-30-2007 02:48 PM

email responses
I'm not getting any thread responses sent to my email address. I checked my profile and my email address is correct. Did I miss something?

kadaytar 05-30-2007 03:12 PM

Go to User CP click on "Edit options" on the left . You are going to see "Messaging & Notification" section and "Default Thread Subscription Mode" . Choose "instant email notification"

danny zubot 05-30-2007 06:26 PM

Thanks, I didn't have the box with notification from other member checked. It must have reset when I changed my Email address.:biggrin:

EmilyB 05-30-2007 07:18 PM

Mine was the same way, maybe it's something that happened when the board went wacky.

danny zubot 05-31-2007 02:32 PM

I don't know whats going on but it's still not working, even with the changes I made yesterday. Maybe a need a mod to check it out.

christyf5 05-31-2007 02:34 PM

I find hotmail to be a pita when it comes to emails. Half the emails I send or receive go to some virtual wormhole I swear.

Try setting it up with a non-hotmail address and see it if it works.

In the meanwhile I'll look into it :biggrin:

christyf5 05-31-2007 04:11 PM


Another suggestion: go through your "junk email" addresses and make sure canreef isn't in there. Either that or put "" in your safe list. Sometimes that helps. I had problems with not receiving canreef emails last year and found that putting the in your safe list helps.

Hope this helps as I can't figure out any other reason why you aren't receiving emails. Likely it is a hotmail malfunction.

andsoitgoes 05-31-2007 05:14 PM

none for me either - I use gmail and nothing from Canreef is or has been in my junk mail filter!

danny zubot 06-01-2007 09:53 PM

I've added Canreef to my safe list so I'll see if that works. I'll also contact Hotmail to see if they can find something else wrong.

It did work fine for several days after I switched over to live. I must have done something to upset the balance of the universe.:wink:

EmilyB 06-01-2007 11:01 PM

I've got Canreef on my safe list and no email notification.

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