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lastlight 05-18-2007 06:11 AM

Calgary - Bunch of livestock and a few hardware goodies for cheap
I didn't have much luck selling my system complete so I'm selling the livestock plus a few other things as a bundle deal. I'd like someone to pick this up very soon if possible.

Here's what you get:

2 tomato clowns
2 blue green chromis
2 cleaner shrimp
1 orchid dottyback
1 green brittle star
maybe 8 or 9 trochus snails

1 nice crocea clam
green star rock size of softball
various zoos incl some red
green brain rock
large capnella
small toadstool
small yellow porite frag
green palys
nice 5 branch frogspawn
small patch of encrusting goniopora
huge pulsing xenia
green mushrooms

Aquasafe 100 gpd unit with inline 2 chanel tds meter. Comes with a box of 3 refills for the di resin and 3 refills for the other compartments. also, basic hydrometer, elos test kits for calcium and kh about half used, and 2 unopened ocean pure pro salt bags (makes 100 gallons) Also maybe 100lbs of rock...maybe half f that is live and the other half dead and dry. I have hair algae on a lot of the rock and some of the zoos.

I'm asking $200 for everything as a bundle. I don't have time to sell items on their own tho...



SeaHorse_Fanatic 05-18-2007 07:05 AM

If you would ship, I'd take all this in a second.

What a smokin deal!!!! Hmmmm, one second.


tang daddy 05-18-2007 07:15 AM

I second that! That is a great deal wonder how much shipping would be?
Free bump

jer 05-18-2007 07:33 AM

alright, talking hypothetically...
alright, if I drive there and pick this all up over the weekend, Anthony and chris, would you want to take some of these things off of my hands? because I would love to throw some of this stuff into my 72, but i don't have a sump so I don't think that my tank could take it all, I'm still a noob, and gas costs a fortune.

jer 05-18-2007 07:34 AM

brett, if i come sat, is there any chance that I could crash somewhere in calgary for 4 hours, I'll bring my own sleeping bag, and I'll be coming sat or sun, what do you say?

tang daddy 05-18-2007 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by jer (Post 252119)
brett, if i come sat, is there any chance that I could crash somewhere in calgary for 4 hours, I'll bring my own sleeping bag, and I'll be coming sat or sun, what do you say?

Ya swing by richmond on your way back to the states well see what I can grab off you lots of intresting corals

SeaHorse_Fanatic 05-18-2007 07:44 AM

PM sent Jer.:biggrin:

TRIX 05-18-2007 12:32 PM

I'd love to jump on board with this stuff. PM sent

Zylumn 05-18-2007 01:10 PM

pm sent

dolphinpoint 05-18-2007 02:31 PM

pm sent

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