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jordsy 04-17-2007 03:47 AM

Coral question help!

ok hopefully this pic worked
This coral keeps sheding all its limbs. Hes still extended fully in the day and looks very healthy but keeps loosing limbs. Ive been putting the frags in my live rock and they seem to be doing fine....

I have little trace amounts of nitrate, nitrites, phosphates. ph 8.0, salt 1.024, temp 80, no ammonia, calcium 460 ppm....

I thought it was just reproducing but its getting outta hand now
any suggestions?

04scoobysti 04-17-2007 04:21 AM

Sounds like its just naturally propagating itself. As for suggestions? I suggest just selling or trading the frags. And how out of hand is it getting?

jordsy 04-17-2007 04:36 AM

theres always about 2 or three limbs falling off at a time in the past 2.5 weeks. It doesnt seem to be stopping. its probably lost 6 limbs about 1.5 inches and lost its biggest one today at 3 inches. They slowly tear off at the base and slowly fall off.....

kwirky 04-17-2007 06:24 AM

how large is it across? is that a finger leather?

jordsy 04-17-2007 07:13 AM

its about 5 inches by 5 inches and can get about 6 inches tall in the light.
the guy said it was a leather when i bought the tank. there are 4 main trunks so it looked like it grew out before and now its just loosing its limbs

digitalsteve 04-18-2007 02:05 AM

maybe its cause you touch yourself?


give me a frag

Snappy 04-18-2007 02:28 AM

If you alk is low IME it can trigger that response. With your ca that high your alk should be about 9dkh to offset it. You don't need that heavy of a calcium level for softies. You may consider toning things down a tad.:idea: All that said some leathers are frag machines and they almost seem to just drip onto the rocks like they are melting.

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