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reefnut 04-04-2007 04:03 AM

indonesian jawfish
anyone have info on them.theres one at my lfs and im thinkin bout bringing him home.he has a purple head with white,yellow and orange stripes on his body and his eyes and mouth are huge.any info or links appreciated.

Kabong 04-04-2007 04:41 AM

Jawfish are a petty unreaserched spieces.
Try doing a google search for Opistognathus
The only thing that comes to mind from your description is Opistognathus randalli.

demon666 04-04-2007 06:01 AM

that is the one..... i had one for a bout a month..... really good carpet surfers....... i even had lids on the tank..... pretty cool fish tho.... my girlfriend was so creaped out by this fish ....... too bad it had to die:mrgreen:

seanoman 04-04-2007 08:28 PM

Jawfish are the most facinating type of fish i believe. My wife and I had a pair of pearly Jawfish for about three months. They are amazing to watch but yes they do like to jump and that is how we ended up losing them, because they for some reason dont like staying in the water

demon666 04-04-2007 09:14 PM

see its funny i have had a dusky jaw for 2yrs now.... an original fish from when i started out with my 36g........ never has even atempted go carpet surfing he even hardly moves homes mayb once every 2-3 months...... very cool fish...... i would highly recomend one of the smaller jaws..... dusky(not as pretty) or the yellow headed jaw (my fav. jawfish)

reefnut 04-05-2007 12:55 AM

that is definitly the one.what would he eat in the aquarium?live food or frozen mysis and such.

Kabong 04-05-2007 01:23 AM

Generally the will feed off frozen mysis and/or brine.
They do not compete for food well though. So if you have aggressive eaters in the tank you may need to spot feed him.
They also like to have a deep sand bed like 6" to build there burrow in.
Along with some small bits of building material. (bits of shell or rock)

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