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christyf5 04-01-2007 01:22 AM

What I found in my tank today
A Steve Weast special. Ok it wasn't 7 feet but I'm sure it was two easy before it broke in half. The pics suck as I was so creeped out by it I could hardly keep still :razz: I'm pretty sure its of the same ilk as Steve W's worm as it mowed down a considerable number of zoos and rics before I hauled them out of there last August. I have no idea what its been eating since then.

But it sure ain't no mantis, which is what I was expecting :eek:

And a big thanks to Ken (Scavenger) who "dealt" with it for me :wink:

Got the tank all moved and the "creature from the deep" out of there. I have no idea what was making the clicking sound as there was no pistol or mantis to be found. I did find a really tiny diadema urchin though :biggrin:

Jason McK 04-01-2007 01:32 AM

So you breaded and deep fried them till they were crispy and finger licking good


christyf5 04-01-2007 02:10 AM

Ugh gross. Ken flushed him down the toilet. :twised:

rusty 04-01-2007 02:14 AM

Those things are sick!!!:crazyeye: I hate having worms in my tank they freak me out!!

marie 04-01-2007 02:42 AM

The only time I have been freaked out by a bristle worm is when I went to reach for a small clump of zoas in the sand once and picked up a 4" bristle worm instead. The bristle worm went flying across the room and some not very nice words came out of my mouth :mrgreen: . I really REALLY don't want to know if i have a giant worm hiding in the rocks :lol:

Beverly 04-01-2007 02:53 AM

OMG! That worm freaks me out, too :eek: Glad I didn't find one in my reef.

justinl 04-01-2007 02:54 AM

sick. that's one big worm.

btw for future reference, mantids don't eat corals.

Delphinus 04-01-2007 02:59 AM

That's pretty ew alright. I think that's worse than the alien three-jawed icky behemoth worm I found when we moved one of my tanks a few years back. Didn't take a picture of that either because it was far too ew for us :)

Get a picture of the diadema? That's pretty cool you found one of those!!

tmbar19 04-01-2007 06:29 AM

black barbs
This is really creeping me out!!! I've only been reefing for three weeks, and have begun having nightmares!! My hubby got poked with three black barbs while setting the mantis trap last night. I've seen the mantis (very small) as well as a bright fuscia bristle worm. However, the bristle worm had white bristles. Do not know what Ted was stung by last night. We've been trying to trap the mantis for nearly three weeks with no luck. Sorry, but if the little munchkin is sitting on a rock and I don't think I have to take him alive, it's me against him in a battle to the death!!! He's already started smashing crabs, so he's gotta come outta there. I do not want to dismantle.
Off to have nightmares about worms now. . . . .

Scavenger 04-01-2007 04:52 PM

Well it didn't exactly "break" in half, more got ripped in half. Damn that thing could move fast!

I was thinking last night the clicking sound could have been those monsterous mandible thingys on its yap. strong enough to pack all those frags into its den (As seen in photos), therefor strong enough to make clicky noises.

Glad we got it out, hopefully your corals are a little safer from becoming den ornaments.

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