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Squiddy 03-13-2007 04:56 AM

FS: All of my livestock - Victoria
Well, here we go. It has been a while in the making, but here is the list of livestock that I have for sale. I have already had some interest in all of this stuff, so if you want something, let me know as soon as you can. The tank and equipment is sold so I'm ready (as ready as I'll ever be) to move the livestock.

I really want this stuff to go to a good home, so I will probably ask to see some pictures of your current setup. Most of this stuff has been with me for a few years now and the rock etc has lots of growth and life on it.

Local pickup only, sorry, no shipping.

Anyways, here it is:
Full tank shot (not recent but corals are the same)

Plate coral $25 - SOLD
-approx 6” across, purple mouth, slightly faded due to bright T5s but fully extends at night

Toad Stool $35 - SOLD
- head is approx 8” across, really healthy

Button Coral $35 - SOLD
- expands to approx 10” in the daytime and retracts to 4” at night, seems really happy

Anenome on live rock with Percula Clown $75
- anemone was bleached white with purple tips when purchased, now is light tan colour still with purple tips, clown has always been very healthy, neat piece of live rock also has mushrooms and an unknown branching coral on it

Kenya Trees $50 for all (would like to trade one of the trees for a nice zoo frag for our othe tank as well) - SOLD
- multiple large trees, all very healthy, attached to liverock now but can be removed

Brown Scroll coral $15 - SOLD
- brown with blue polyps, grows quickly (I’d like to break a small piece off for myself)

2 Cleaner shrimp $15ea / $25 pair - SOLD

Hermit crabs $30 for all - SOLD
- unknown quantity but includes fancy blue legged, orange spotted, left handed

Various snails $10 for all - SOLD
- margarita, astrea

Big hairy mushroom rock $55
- a number of quite large light purple with fluorescent green centers, very fraggable, unique (bad picture!)

Sea Pen coral $35 - SOLD
- hides in sand at night and comes out during the day, quite a neat coral, about 6” long + 4” base in sand

Devils hand toadstool $30 - SOLD
- about 5” across, pink, attached to small corraline covered piece of rock, blue Christmas tree tube worm & mussel on base

Squiddy 03-13-2007 04:59 AM

Torch coral $15 - SOLD
- pink & green

Liverock w/ mixed corals #1 $50 - SOLD
- corraline covered w/ anthelia, yellow polyps, pink riccordia, candycane & purple mushrooms, rock is approx 4lbs

Liverock w/ mixed corals #2 $30 - SOLD
- anthelia, candycane & purple mushrooms, green star polyps, rock is approx 1lb

Liverock w/ mixed corals #3 $85 - SOLD
- approx 15lbs w/ anthelia, Macaw Palys, candycane mushroom, lots of growth on rock

Approx 80lbs (I think) of liverock $400 - SOLD
- 4 years of growth, coralline, macro algae, various mushrooms & polyps

Thanks for taking a look!

Kabong 03-13-2007 05:01 AM

PM sent

Todd 03-13-2007 05:32 AM

PM'ed re:

Mixed corals on liverock #3
Hermit crabs

Squiddy 03-13-2007 06:35 AM

Hermits & snails SOLD.

fishmaster 03-13-2007 04:29 PM

re; livestock for sale
pm sent

castaway 03-13-2007 05:05 PM

pm sent

mwafler 03-13-2007 10:43 PM

Haha, I wish someone would ship livestock for once, no one ever sells anything in or near vernon...

Todd 03-14-2007 09:35 PM

Did you get my second pm?

andsoitgoes 03-14-2007 10:33 PM

Man, why on the island!! <shakes fist> I'd love to snag some of this, anyone there heading over Surrey way??? ;)

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