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Beermaster 03-07-2007 12:36 AM

New Nano at Work
Well desided to put a little nano tank in my cubicle at work, this has been quite the little project that has visitors comming by my cubicle everyday asking me questons and just to sit there and gaze at it

I started out with a little JBJ nanocube 6dx that i bought second hand off a fellow reefer here in Edmonton (on canreef)

added around 5lbs of rock and some sand, sat like that for about a week, the water i trucked in from the tank at Dad's house so i used nice established water

now i have added some softies, ( Zoo's, Open Brain, Xenia, GSP and a couple shrooms)

its looking really good and thought i would share some pics of it

Der_Iron_Chef 03-07-2007 02:14 AM

Hey Mark, I really like that. Nice and clean, and I like how you've placed the corals, etc! Makes me want a nano :-)

P.S. I have those same zoanthids and I love 'em!

DocReefer 03-07-2007 04:13 AM

Nice Mark,

I miss my 3.5 gal nano. Getting ready to get my 90 up and running. Miss u at the last reef meet.


Delphinus 03-07-2007 05:01 AM


Black Phantom 03-10-2007 08:14 PM

How do you feed your tank on weekends?

Beermaster 03-10-2007 08:46 PM

you have too feed?

Beverly 03-10-2007 09:20 PM

No wonder everyone comes by to look at the tank. You've got it totally strategically placed :biggrin: Looks great :cool:

Nice cubicle, too :)

andsoitgoes 03-10-2007 09:47 PM

VERY NICE!!!! What do you have running in there? Just a little HOB or..? I really want to try and get away with one of those at work, I figure it's not that much more than my little gimpy betta tank!

Beermaster 03-11-2007 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by andsoitgoes (Post 240080)
VERY NICE!!!! What do you have running in there? Just a little HOB or..? I really want to try and get away with one of those at work, I figure it's not that much more than my little gimpy betta tank!

welol its a 6gal nanocube, has a little sump built into the back of it, quite the little system acualy

no heater, the pump and lights provide enough to keep the water at 80 degrees so thats not to bad, i want to put a little higher output pump in there, but thats just me i think

G1GY 03-11-2007 07:19 AM

A cube within a cube! Cool! :biggrin:

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