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LostMind 03-02-2007 12:22 AM

Garage Sale!!!
Ok, so I moved and I need to sell a bunch of stuff.

First, I am no longer doing my big tank, thus I don't need my big lights.

PFO H-2 ballast, wiring and end caps
4 x 36" VHO reflector
2 x 6' VHO actinics (URI)

Never used. Pics:

Buy all of this for: $200.

More lighting stuff no longer needed:

4 x single bulb MH reflectors
2 x sockets and wiring
2 x 400w MH bulbs - cheap phoenix ones, used about 6 months

Used over my 90g for about 6 months. Pics:

Take it all for $100.

Next my calcium reactor I bought from OA but never used:


Includes everything in the picture and a 10lb co2 bottle that was full but never used for at least a year. I am sure you need to get it checked out.

Selling it all for $200. ***!!!SOLD!!!***

Next up is my first skimmer ever. A berlin one. I don't know if it works, it didn't work very well when I got it. I was running it on a 120g based on advice from King Ed's. I'm just giving this away, maybe someone can use it for a diy project.


***!!!BERLIN GONE!!!***

Next, my lighting from my QT tank. This is a 16" reflector with space for 2 vho/pc and a single MH. Also comes with a PFO EL 1-2 ballast, PC lighting wiring and 2 actinic bulbs as seen in the pics: Pics:

Take if for $75.

Next, the lights from over my 20gallon tank. It's a 36" reflector with space for 2 vho/pc lights and a single MH. Has end caps and wiring for 2 vho, 2 vho actinics and a PFO EL 2-2 ballast.


Take it for $100.

Next, my broken aqua-c ev180. Comes with a mag 9. This skimmer worked beautifully for over a year on my 120. The mag 9 was run for 3 months or so and I really liked how it skimmed with the mag 9. The neck was broken one day when I was cleaning and the wife walked by with a laundry basket and accidentally kicked it. If you have some acrylic glue, you can fix this in a minute.


$200 takes it all. Or $150 for the skimmer and $75 for the mag 9.

Next, I have a Gen-x pump that was used for about 3 months as well. Pics:

$100 takes it.

Next, another pump. This one is old but worked great when I last used it a year ago. It's quiet, it pumps about 1200gph, it's the stronger model. It's similar to the new posiedon pumps.


*** Oh snap, I never put in a price. $50 anyone? ***

Next, another freebie. I have an overflow I got at king ed's with my first tank. I don't have the Utube but maybe someone can use this for a diy project. Also two aquaclear hang on back filters I used for refugiums. All for free, just gotta pick them up. Pics: ***All Gone***

Next, an ampmaster 3000 pump. Never used. Was planned for my big tank as well...


$200 gets it. ***!!!SOLD!!!***

Next, another ampmaster pump, this is a 4700. Again for the big tank that died before it lived.


$225 takes it. ***!!!SOLD!!!***

Next, the tiny tunze skimmer. This is dirty and I am too lazy to clean it. Worked like a charm the whole time I used it. I bought it used for $100? I think. Pics:

Asking $25. ***Deal Pending***

Finally, 2 used 250w 10k ushio bulbs. I think I used these for 3 months or less. Pic:

$25 takes them! ***Deal Pending***

I probably have some more stuff to go, I have to keep cleaning up the basement. I really want to get rid of this stuff, so I am open to any offers!

Email me at


findingnemo1 03-02-2007 12:53 AM

Tunze Skimmer
Sent you an email.

christyf5 03-02-2007 01:35 AM

sent PM :biggrin:

and email

Saltysteve 03-02-2007 05:36 AM

Next, the lights from over my 20gallon tank. It's a 36" reflector with space for 2 vho/pc lights and a single MH. Has end caps and wiring for 2 vho, 2 vho actinics and a PFO EL 2-2 ballast.


Take it for $100.

I am interested in the above. I take it the ballast is for the MH? No ballast for the VHO? Do the end caps fit T5 or???


dstasiuk 03-02-2007 05:43 AM

PM sent re Calcium Reactor...

morph 03-02-2007 06:12 AM

re garage sale
sent you an email

phillybean 03-02-2007 06:42 AM

I will take your Berlin Skimmer, can you ship it? I would pay for shipping and 10 bucks to package it if you would

Midknight 03-02-2007 12:15 PM


BlueNWhite 03-02-2007 04:10 PM

I just sent you a PM.


braid11 03-02-2007 04:16 PM

I replied to your email last night, I'll take the ampmasters, it's just a matter of arraging a meeting.

Was waiting on my email for the CR as well.

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