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pat 03-01-2007 04:44 PM

HELP NEEDED....please
Hi guy's and girls
I have a question for all of ya.I have an Alveopora that i would like to frag!
So my question is ,what is the best way to do this?do i need to get a dip example;Kent tech d, basically i would like a step by step kind of answer.

This is my fist attempt at fraging,so this is kinda intimidating to me,see is such beautiful coral but it is getting to big.
I have included a picture of the specimen.

Der_Iron_Chef 03-01-2007 04:53 PM

This is a good reference:

pat 03-01-2007 05:10 PM

Thanks great article,but these are not for alveoporas (lps),these are mostly for acro's right?
the alveopora extendeds long polyps,it's kinda like a Gonipora.
Here is a better picture

muck 03-01-2007 05:20 PM

Use a dremel with a cutting wheel and carefully cut through the skeleton where you want to frag.

Oh.. don't forget to enjoy the stank of the dentist while you are cutting.. :razz:

Der_Iron_Chef 03-01-2007 05:24 PM

Oh man. My bad! I thought you said Acropora :redface:

I would frag Alveopora much the same as I would frag Goniopora. Which is to say...very carefully, if at all. But if you must...check out this link:

pat 03-01-2007 05:51 PM

Hey right on
I just picked up one of those purple goniopora.
It looks like i have 2 fraging projects.
Do i need any dip for after the frags are taken?
Thanks guys

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