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krisalexander 02-02-2007 08:09 PM

Lets see your wrasse's!
In light of some of the other posts (inverts, and angels). I have been hearing a lot of about how much people like their wrasses. So I thought Lets see them!

I will start it off with my new addition

My Potters Wrasse

christyf5 02-02-2007 08:18 PM

My Tailspot Wrasse (love him to bits

Delphinus 02-02-2007 08:37 PM

Awesome potter's wrasse, Kris ... is that a S. doliatus or S. virgatus in those pictures?

And Christy and I have to say I think your tailspot wrasse is definitely a king of wrasses. :cool:

Anyhow, fairy wrasses are definitely my favourite of reef fish! I've had C. rubriventralis, C. cyanopleura and C. lubbocki. Awesome little fish!

I don't have too many pics of the ones I've kept as they're usually too fast for my camera but here are some I did manage of the C. rubriventralis when I had him: (He was sold under the common name "red fairy wrasse.")

Man I miss this fish. I lost him when I moved a few years back. I realize now that what happened was he was killed by the ritteri anemone's distress as I've had several tank wipeouts due to that anemone being moved. I will never move that anemone again without first catching all fish and moving them to safe temporary quarters.

christyf5 02-02-2007 08:45 PM

Gorgeous little fish Tony. :cool:

Stupid anemone.... :snipersm:

niloc16 02-02-2007 09:41 PM

i love my mystery wrasse. he has an awesome character. kris that potters wrasse rocks. i've never seen that before. i'm definitely going to have to do some research on that one.

Sushiman 02-02-2007 09:59 PM


OCDP 02-02-2007 10:06 PM

That potters wrasse is rad...

Making me want a wrasse !

Bruzer 02-02-2007 10:57 PM

My Wrasse "Ring Wrasse" ??? not sure
Ring wrasse, i think would love to be corrected=)

krisalexander 02-03-2007 05:14 AM

Tony, It is a penciled foxface (S. virgatus) Wasnt too sure of the proper name..... I am absolutely loving the new wrasse. I was walking through a LFS and saw it and couldnt believe its colour. Put it on hold went home researched it, found it was a great fish for a reef. And it has been swimming around and is hanging out with my fox face. And is eating mysid and pellet. Scott, I would definately reccomend one of these Wrasses! and not to expensive under 40$...

Keep the Pictures coming.!

Jason McK 02-03-2007 04:07 PM

These are my 2


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