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Fishfanatic 01-13-2007 08:01 PM

Safe octopus?
Hey is there any type of octopus safe to keep with fish?

Kabong 01-13-2007 08:18 PM

Nope they will eat any fish or invert you put in with them.
They pretty much need a species only tank.
They are technically coral safe though.

Tarolisol 01-13-2007 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Kabong (Post 229877)
Nope they will eat any fish or invert you put in with them.
They pretty much need a species only tank.
They are technically coral safe though.


Delphinus 01-13-2007 08:44 PM

Snails too I would imagine eh? I've been seriously tempted to consider making my ritteri tank an octopus tank since it has a serious plague-porportions population of crabs. The tank is too deep and I'm too lousy of a shot to consider the sling-shot skewer method, and I have nowhere to put a 24" anemone to take apart the rockwork.

The fish, shrimp, urchins or whatever I could move and put an octopus in there but without snails the tank would get a nice coating of algae I figure.

I dunno, for now it's just a fantasy of mine to try a cuttlefish or octopus to fix my rock crab problem but it will likely have to remain a fantasy for a while.

bassman 01-13-2007 09:29 PM

Octopus are NOT coral safe. It's actually the other way around. Corals can and will kill an octopus. I have one now that lives all alone aside from a peppermint shrimp (which he won't eat), a red serpent star and some chocolate chip starfish.
I am will be putting snails in the tank and if they get eaten oh well, I'll put in more LOL, There will be a need to keep the glass clean, however not too great a need as I don't run any lights on the octopus tank so there won't be much algae.

Kabong 01-14-2007 07:02 AM

Well technically that would be coral's aren't octopus safe :wink:

Seriously though what kind of corals did your Octo have a run in with?

bassman 01-14-2007 11:47 AM

None, I never subjected him to them. I did my homework first so mine has never come in contact with any.

Pretty much any "stinging" corals could harm or kill an octopus.

kuatto 01-14-2007 03:11 PM

I would love to have a setup for one but the only thing that makes me think twice is how short their lives are.

Kabong 01-14-2007 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by bassman (Post 229999)
Pretty much any "stinging" corals could harm or kill an octopus.

Agreed, But you could say the same thing about a lot of fish.
My statement was meant to state that they will not eat corals.

Many Octo keepers do keep some corals in there tank.
Technically due to the low light enivro that's best suited to an Octo I doubt you could keep much other then say mushrooms and zoo's.
which I doubt would be any significant danger anyway.

bassman 01-14-2007 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Kabong (Post 230076)
Agreed, But you could say the same thing about a lot of fish.

Yes, however octopus tend to pull themselves around where as fish rarely touch anything when they move through the water.

I think we're both on the same page here.

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