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CLINT 01-04-2007 07:13 PM

my new mantis is a wussy!!
I got a G.SMITHI from king ed last week and so far he doesnt seem to want to kill anything.I bought small hermits cause hes not to big,but the only thing he eats so far is mysis.Is this ok for his diet or should I try something else.CLINT

Chowder 01-04-2007 09:25 PM

It should be ok if he only eats mysis. It will also be alot cheaper then buying all those snails and hermits.

marie 01-04-2007 09:28 PM

Try bits of raw fish, mussels and shrimp that you can buy at the grocery store.

CLINT 01-05-2007 03:29 AM

thanks for that.I think my mantis(the wife named him Hanibal) is in for a pretty big surprise cause 1 of the smaller hermits walked in front of his hole and at the same time he came out.well he hid so fast that Hanibal never saw him just this nice little shell that he could use for decoration in his hole.:smile: dont think hes left much room in there for a roommate so maybe this is his time to shine.CLINT

Flusher 01-05-2007 07:41 AM

Keep snails and crabs in the tank with the mantis as often as possible. Sometimes it takes awhile before the mantis kills anything, but if there's nothing for it to punch at, it might lose it's punching claws ("dactyls"). They take awhile to regrow.
Infants Zoloft

i have crabs 01-05-2007 02:59 PM

krill would be better than misis i would think.

JOSH 01-05-2007 03:22 PM

yeah my new mantis is the same way, no kills but ive only had him for three days, he does pickup my hermits and carries them around

CLINT 01-06-2007 12:38 AM

Well I dont see the hermit today so its dead or still hiding in there.Ill pick up some krill see if hes interested.CLINT

untamed 01-06-2007 01:01 AM

If you've been feeding him very regularly, he may not be hungry. Mine disappears for days at a time. Sounds normal.

justinl 01-06-2007 06:38 AM

pictures pictures!

I would feed him a mix of stuff. mostly frozen silversides, frozend shrimp, and less regularly various snails or hermits. if you have easy access to beaches, you could add some shore crabs to the list.

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