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David 12-18-2006 04:55 PM

To keep or not to keep
Hi all, I un-intentionally bought a Koran Angle yesterday. At the time of purchase, I asked the LFS if this fish can be kept with softies (Xenia, Polyps, Mushroom, Anemones and etc) and Flame angle and they told me “Yes”. However, I did some research last night, most recommend not keeping in a tank with other angle and coral, besides it can grow quite big. The fish is in the quarantine tank now; I have not moved it to the display tank yet. My saltwater experience is only 3 months. Please advice with your opinion. Thanks in advance.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-18-2006 05:06 PM

Most large angels will become coral eaters. This is their natural diet (sponge/coral polyps/etc). In a large enough system, if kept well fed, you might be lucky & keep it from becoming too destructive in a reef tank (I know a couple of reefers who are successful). However, the majority of large angels (like Korans) are non-reef-safe. Return it is my recommendation.


marie 12-18-2006 05:06 PM

I would say, take him back, especially when your tank is so young.

I have a regal angel that eats corals and while I'll probably keep her it does severely limit what corals I can have in the tank.

Joe Reefer 12-18-2006 05:17 PM

Good to see that your using a QT.

BCOrchidGuy 12-27-2006 02:57 AM

Bravo for using a QT tank, it's rare that people do it but we all know we should so pat yourself on the back.

In my opinion the fish should go back, I guess it depends though on what size tank you are planning on keeping it in. I don't believe that fish only grow as big as the tank they are in allows them to even though a lot of people will tell you that it's true. Sometimes the LFS staff speaks from experience rather than what they read or what the common behavior of the fish may be. So just because they haven't seen a koran angel eat coral doesn't mean it's not it's nature.


Funky_Fish14 12-27-2006 07:16 AM

Another Kudos for having the QT tank!

I recently set one up a couple months ago and boy is it handy!

I would agree with takin the fish back, and theres no need to state all the reasons repeated many times over above!

If your tank is the one in your Avatar, I have to say for 3 months, it looks gorgeous! Do you have a bigger pic!?


demon666 12-28-2006 12:07 AM

i agree take 'er back

David 01-01-2007 06:04 PM

Sorry for the late reply. Here are the pictures.... Mine you, I did not buy the rocks from the store.

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