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windeindoiel 11-30-2006 01:02 AM

when anemones split
What happens? Does it form another mouth and the anemone pinches itself in half and the two go their seperate ways? Or is it more budding like, where a little anemone starts growing off the side of the big one? Like what does it look like?

Beverly 11-30-2006 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by windeindoiel (Post 222918)
What happens? Does it form another mouth and the anemone pinches itself in half and the two go their seperate ways?

That's a pretty good description of a BTA splitting, only the new BTA often stays right next to the parent, IME.

Day After the GBTA Splits Video
January 29, 2006
(320 x 240 pixels, 8.7 MB, 1:58 minutes)

J.Lloy 11-30-2006 05:42 AM

It basically tears itself in two. You will see it trying to go in two directions at once, then after it splits the two ripped edges will come together and heal up.

Kryten 11-30-2006 06:17 PM

I had a small bta that just split. They both moved about 6 inches away from the original spot (which the bta had chosen for itself) in opposite directions.

RicePaddy 11-30-2006 09:40 PM

Who would have thought that someone would have a video of a BTA spliting. Berverly, you are simply amazing. That was so awsome to watch.


Beverly 11-30-2006 10:23 PM

Thanks, Will :biggrin:

I've got loads of GBTA and RBTA videos. I'll PM you my videos page, which has all kinds of videos along with lots of BTA vids, if you want.

1bigstud 12-01-2006 04:41 AM

Great Video!! I would love to check some other ones if you dont mind sharing.

Beverly 12-01-2006 02:17 PM

Here's my video page.

Not all the videos are of BTAs, though.

There are a few under the heading Current 120 Gallon Reef,
lots of GBTA vids under Past Reefs: 37 Gallon Videos,
and a few RBTA vids under 67 Gallon Videos (near the bottom of the page).

MoeReefer 12-01-2006 06:35 PM

very cool Beverly, do the clowns damage the BTA, it sure looks like they are goin at it pretty hard, from the looks it doesnt seem to bother them though.


Beverly 12-01-2006 10:22 PM


When putting a BTA and clowns together, I always put the BTA in the tank first so it is established and growing. When I finally introduce the clowns, I do so by hand and release them right by the BTA. I think this gives the clowns a better chance of hosting. Seems to have worked with both the ocellaris pair and their GBTA in the 37g, and the tomato pair and their RBTA. Both pairs of clowns immediately began hosting in their respective BTAs.

The tomato clowns were pretty harsh on each other and the RBTA while they were duking it out for dominance. I was afraid the RBTA would be harmed, but that did not appear to happen.

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