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Islander 10-19-2002 05:22 PM

WTB Air Pump!!
Looking for a powerful air pump for my CC Skimmer!


Bob I 10-19-2002 05:44 PM

I have an Optima , made by Hagen. Never really used. Output is 5000cc/minute. It is in Calgary.

StirCrazy 10-19-2002 07:04 PM

Re: WTB Air Pump!!

Originally Posted by Islander
Looking for a powerful air pump for my CC Skimmer!


how powerfull? I have a airpump that has two outputs on it.. I would have to dig it up to see how powerful it is though.


reefburnaby 10-20-2002 01:05 AM


What are the dimensions of the CC skimmer ?

- Victor.

Islander 10-20-2002 03:53 AM

I have a optima pump myself, but I don't know if that is enough power for this task.

I am hoping to get a pressure rated air pump, like the luft pump or even a piston air pump.

The dimension is 5 feet tall 4" Snailman's CC skimmer.


reefburnaby 10-20-2002 04:28 AM


Hmm..that's the same size as mine. I used a Tetra Deep DW96-2 for my skimmer. With 5 feet of water, you'll need a big pump to drive it. I couldn't find anything locally (except for the Hagen "The Pump" @ $400) that could drive it. You could try hydroponic stores and see if they sell piston pumps -- but they are really really loud.

Good Luck.

- Victor.

EmilyB 10-20-2002 04:59 AM

What pump does Snailman recommend/use ?? :?

Islander 10-20-2002 05:31 AM

Snailman is using the medo piston pump.

How do you like the Tetra Deep DW96-2 on your skimmer?
Is your skimmer 5ft tall?


reefburnaby 10-20-2002 06:50 AM


5 feet of water and 8 to 10 inches of foam. The skimmer is 4 inches in diameter. My stand is 3 feet tall and my tank is 2 feet tall; hence it was logical to make the water level at 5 feet.

The Tetra Deep DW96-2 was louder than expected. So, I had to build a muffler to drown out the noise. The muffler consisted of placing the pump inside a small rubbermaid container with some cloth. I tried not to over stuff it with cloth since I could overheat the air pump. I placed the air pump above the skimmer, but you could put it in the stand and it should help control the noise. So how loud is it ? Well, it is in the same room as my home theatre and it didn't seem to bother anybody (they sat 10 feet away from the tank). Other than the noise, it is a really good solid pump. It has lots of pressure and it is definitely more than enough air for this application -- maybe too much if you don't have as much water column. The skimmer uses two airstones.

This skimmer replaced my PM HOT-1 clone with the RIO800 and an airstone. The main skimmer pulled out very little and my algae was still growing. I had some hair algae and it kept my Tang very happy. It wasn't growing out of control, but it was an eyesore. So, in went the new skimmer...algae died in two days. I have to buy real food for the tang. I rarely clean the glass since it is so clean. On average, it pulls out a gallon of light green/yellow soup of skimate a week. And the water is very clear...I run carbon very seldomly (less than once a month).

I paid $120 CAD for my air pump.

So far...I like a lot and it is definitely easier to use than the HOT-1.

- Victor.

Islander 10-20-2002 06:44 PM

Hi Victor,

Thanks for the input. My only problem is finding the Tetra Deep D96-2 pump. Would the Tetra Luft pump do the job? Have you or anyone use it before and like to share?


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