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mixixe 10-24-2006 10:35 AM

My first SW tank...and it's a nano!
Ah!!! you guys from BCaquaria get everyone addicted! Now I have my own SW tank and I never thought this day would come but it's so much fun. I got a couple of peices of live rock and means live, I've found all sorts of things in my tank like sea stars, snails, feather worms.... cool!!! anyway... here is my tank..i think it's 4 gallons.

so far just live rocks and some zoas...

andsoitgoes 10-25-2006 01:34 AM


Glad I'm not the only one addicted to this ;)

You'll have to keep me posted, you have any idea what you want in there?

mixixe 10-25-2006 03:44 AM

not yet. I'm just going to keep it running like that for while to see how fast things colonize and to see if everything is doing well. I would like a hermit crab though. I need to do some more research on the corals, but i'll update everyonce in a while. :)

andsoitgoes 10-30-2006 08:36 PM

6 days, where's the update???

I know, I haven't posted mine yet, but I'm waiting until just the right moment (mostly after a water change so I can ensure everything's not dead ;))

mixixe 12-11-2006 11:50 PM

Hi all,

Sorry I dont have any pictures to post, but I lost the connection cable from my camera to my comp :) Neway, a nano question about lighting, I have 18 watts of 10000k bulbs over my tank and 13 watts of a desk lamp too, not sure what temp. Most of my zoos that are orangey color are very nice and bright the ones that are supposed to be blue and pink look very dull and barely blue and pink, just a bit irridescent. Is there a problem with my lighting? I had an actnic?? bulb before over it too but it seemed like my anthelia did not like and it cowered for a week until i took those bulbs away. Otherwise everything seems to be growing very well.


Mr. Scratch 12-12-2006 01:30 AM

A 10k bulb won't highlight the colors that well, actinic will help as would a bluer bulb, but that is of course only my experience.

BCOrchidGuy 12-12-2006 03:52 AM

In my experience the black gravel/sand really doesn't do a tank justice. White or natural aragonite is much nicer, it reflects a lot of light and makes the tank look much brighter. A 10k tube won't give you the nicest colour and your desk lamp will be washing out most of the colour the 10k is giving you if it's a normal light bulb. There are a number of upgrades you can go with for light over your tank, depending on what size it is. A 10k and an actinic will go a long way or two 50/50 tubes (actinic/10k on each tube).

Congrats on getting involved in nano's you'll love it.


mixixe 12-12-2006 04:51 AM

I have changed the gravel already, I didn't like the black either. Now I am using crushed coral. It's much better. Though I've been reading lately, sand is better than coral. So many things to learn. Maybe I'll upgrade on the lighting a bit more. I'm not quite sure how I should upgrade though. It seemed like some of my corals didn't like the actinic bulb... I dunno why.

woodcarver 12-12-2006 05:36 AM

Looking good ! Any details on filter etc ?

mixixe 12-12-2006 05:54 AM

just that little internal filter there, mostly for flow. I try to maintain water quality with water changes, 2 x a week, and i want to add a refugium soon.

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