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1bigstud 10-13-2006 02:25 AM

New Fish
Quick q, After adding a new fish how long do u go without seeing him till u call it a death??? The reason I ask is yesterday I added a neon goby to my tank. usually when I add new fish to my tank they dont bother to hide and start exploring right away. The goby did the same thing at first but when I came back to the tank a couple hours later it was nowhere to be found today is day 2 and no sign of it. So at what point do I call it a death?

niloc16 10-13-2006 02:28 AM

neon goby will find a small hole to call home and it will probably show up sometime. give it time.

Delphinus 10-13-2006 03:19 AM

I've gone weeks, literally - weeks, without seeing some fish after introducing them. The one that blew me away was my Red Sea Sailfin tang when I first got him. How can you lose a tang in a tank?? But he found a pretty good hiding spot. Couple weeks before he was comfortable swimming around.

Same with fairy wrasses -- man, I never saw my lubbock's wrasse for a solid MONTH. I thought he was a goner for sure, I was sooooooooo depressed, like you wouldn't believe. One day I saw the loser's face poking out. It took him several months to get used to the idea of people looking in the tank. I lost him in an anemone incident. :(

My newest fish is a potter's angel I got from Willito about 6 weeks ago, and she was pretty shy for a solid 2-3 weeks. Again, could see no trace of her. But she's out all the time now.

Take it as a compliment, you've obviously done aquascaping well enough to give them a good choice of hiding spots. :) Hopefully that's all it is. Good luck.

1bigstud 10-13-2006 06:03 AM

Actually I cant even begin to count how many crevices, nooks, caverns and caves are in my tank. I've got about 100 pounds of live rock in a 77 gallon tank. A couple things that have me worried is the longest any of my fish have been shy for is about a day (bi-colour blenny) and I'm also concerned he may not be getting food, that and theres a chance one of my fish may have taken his attempts to clean the wrong way :(

1bigstud 10-13-2006 10:20 PM

Well theres good news and bad news. I found my neon goby this morning he was just barely poking out of a piece of rock(which must have tunnels runing right through the middle cause he would go in one side and pop out the other)!! unfortunatley when he tried to come out and go exploring the 6 line terrorized him back into hiding. I've seen my 6 line go after my clown fish a couple times over the past 6 months or so, but other than that he's pretty chill towards the other fish. I hope he drops the attitude. I am wondering if the neon went to try and clean the 6 line but it felt threatened and decided the best defence is a good offence. Hopefully not.

Beverly 10-13-2006 10:44 PM

IME, six lines are very aggressive. Had to get rid of mine when it harrassed our pair of skunk clowns so badly they were not allowed to eat.

Moogled 10-13-2006 11:38 PM

Yeah, Six-lines seem to get pretty aggro after a certain amount of time.

BTW Tony, I had the same problem with my Lubbock's Wrasse as well. He's a shy little bugger and only swims along the back of the tank.

1bigstud 10-14-2006 07:49 PM

So I guess I should get rid of my six line. Any suggestions how to get him out?

Delphinus 10-14-2006 08:35 PM

Gooooooood luck with that one! :lol:

You can read about my escapades in the same situation.

If it's any consolation, although I gave up trying to remove my sixline (he is just way too smart to fall for any trap or be fished out, and far too fast to be netted out), he's better behaved towards the newest-addition (potter's angel) now, so I don't feel the pressure anymore to remove and isolate him like I did at the beginning of that thread. Although I still have my fishing rig ready to go "just in case." (I had to get a very small hook from a fishing store, they looked at me like they thought I was an idiot, going in there and asking for "one hook please.")

Of course I have tankmates in there that shouldn't theoretically be threatened by a sixline smaller than them anyhow. Smaller fish might be at perpetual risk so you might need to remove him if you can. I know my sixline is responsible for killing a mandarin, I imagine a small goby wouldn't fare a lot better in a full out assault like what happened there. (Stupid fish..)

Beverly 10-14-2006 09:43 PM

Here's an article with several fish catching methods ....

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