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albert_dao 10-12-2006 06:46 AM

Large Tank Tour Poll
Do it.

Edit: I didn't put an "anyday" option since that's never realistic.

Skimmer Juice 10-12-2006 06:54 PM

ufc is on saturday. Sunday would be great! Any other weekend will be fine to I got a new job, No more weekends !:biggrin:

Snappy 10-12-2006 10:25 PM

What is with the poll I thought we already had a date. There will never be a time when everybody who may want to be involved can make it so let's just pick a day and stick to it. Whoever can make it will and those who can't wont.
If it's on a Sunday I am not available so count me out.

albert_dao 10-12-2006 10:33 PM

The reason for the poll is to get a good idea of what day we can organize everyone, INCLUDING those who are showcasing their tanks.

AJ_77 10-12-2006 11:33 PM

Makes sense to me! :biggrin: Good job, Albert.

danny zubot 10-13-2006 06:48 PM

I voted Sunday the 22nd but the 21st works as well.

Richard_Dicosimo 10-17-2006 01:18 AM

what the hell is going on with this event?
What has happened to this event? The original interest was substantial now it seems like there is no one to organize it. Do we even know which members are hosting their tanks?? And if so what are their addresses so that we can get the ball rolling on this thing, and maybe chart a route, and even a possible time schedule. Is it for sure Saturday October 21st? WHATS GOING ON GUYS??????


Moogled 10-17-2006 02:09 AM

Here's what I think, even if I'm not attending anymore:

Unimportant things like TV shows shouldn't even be mentioned. If you want to watch UFC/Pokemon/CSI instead of going to on a reef tour, then please be fair to others and don't hinder the process.

If you miss out because you decide that you have better things to do, then that's that. There are plenty of people to factor in and it's a given that not everyone has a perfect fitting time schedule.

I know I have work every single weekend, so instead of telling everyone that I have something to do and have them reschedule a reef tour, I decided it would be fair to everyone else and not make them wait up.

Snappy 10-17-2006 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Richard_Dicosimo
What has happened to this event? The original interest was substantial now it seems like there is no one to organize it. Do we even know which members are hosting their tanks?? And if so what are their addresses so that we can get the ball rolling on this thing, and maybe chart a route, and even a possible time schedule. Is it for sure Saturday October 21st? WHATS GOING ON GUYS??????


I am hoping that no one will feel offended or defensive with what I have to say so please don't. Unfortunately written words don't always portray the matter of fact or even pleasant tone a person is trying to get accross. So at the risk of sounding like a jerk which is not my intention, here's how I see what has transpired in the chain of events.

A firm date was set, the people hosting made arrangements with family, etc, and modified their own schedules to prepare for the tour. Then 2 days before the proposed event a poll is started to see if the date should be changed without first consulting the host's to see if that is what they want. On that note, I for one would have preferred to have had people over before my floor started getting ripped up for the reno's we are in the middle of but was not asked what worked for me. I can't speak for the other hosts, perhaps they were communicated with. In my opinion the main concern seemed to be what was on TV that could keep some from attending. I understand Rico had hockey but he also said his schedule was too hard to forecast so count him out anyway, or at least that is how I read it.
I personally feel that when a date is set it should be adhered to and if people have stuff that comes up or have other priorities then I guess they don't come. That goes for hosts & guests as we all have lives outside of the hobby(at least I hope we do) and things can happen. I understand the good intentions as to why the poll was started and certainly don't mind but I for one was left completely out of the loop and didn't know if the tour was on or off until the day of and even now I am still not sure what is really going on.
I did however hear today that Keith and his family are sick so he may not be up to hosting this coming weekend. Unless that changes it seems unlikely to be a go on the 21st but I can't speak for him or the others. The exception to the above rule is Keith started the thread to have the tour in the first place so he should be involved. I myself had assumed that it would not go ahead due to the seeming lack of interest but I guess we can keep our fingers crossed. I guess I should ask, is the interest still there? Untill today there was not many posts responding to this poll thread.
I am sure I don't have all the facts but that is how it seems to me.
We need to hear from the other hosts and see what they want to do and do we have enough tanks for the tour to proceed.

andrewsk 10-17-2006 06:38 AM

Hey Greg,

Yes, we are all sick like dogs here. Is like a mini pandemic! My wife is still really sick while my kids have just about recovered. I am about 60% now.

I would say that the tour is cancelled.

I spoke with Al tonight and we are going to have a smaller get together in a few weeks. Meet at someones house, tour a few tanks, then go for some wings or something. Much more informal and easier to plan. Perhaps we can even do it once a month or so.

I or Al will post something in the next day or 2.



Originally Posted by Snappy
I am hoping that no one will feel offended or defensive with what I have to say so please don't. Unfortunately written words don't always portray the matter of fact or even pleasant tone a person is trying to get accross. So at the risk of sounding like a jerk which is not my intention, here's how I see what has transpired in the chain of events.

A firm date was set, the people hosting made arrangements with family, etc, and modified their own schedules to prepare for the tour. Then 2 days before the proposed event a poll is started to see if the date should be changed without first consulting the host's to see if that is what they want. On that note, I for one would have preferred to have had people over before my floor started getting ripped up for the reno's we are in the middle of but was not asked what worked for me. I can't speak for the other hosts, perhaps they were communicated with. In my opinion the main concern seemed to be what was on TV that could keep some from attending. I understand Rico had hockey but he also said his schedule was too hard to forecast so count him out anyway, or at least that is how I read it.
I personally feel that when a date is set it should be adhered to and if people have stuff that comes up or have other priorities then I guess they don't come. That goes for hosts & guests as we all have lives outside of the hobby(at least I hope we do) and things can happen. I understand the good intentions as to why the poll was started and certainly don't mind but I for one was left completely out of the loop and didn't know if the tour was on or off until the day of and even now I am still not sure what is really going on.
I did however hear today that Keith and his family are sick so he may not be up to hosting this coming weekend. Unless that changes it seems unlikely to be a go on the 21st but I can't speak for him or the others. The exception to the above rule is Keith started the thread to have the tour in the first place so he should be involved. I myself had assumed that it would not go ahead due to the seeming lack of interest but I guess we can keep our fingers crossed. I guess I should ask, is the interest still there? Untill today there was not many posts responding to this poll thread.
I am sure I don't have all the facts but that is how it seems to me.
We need to hear from the other hosts and see what they want to do and do we have enough tanks for the tour to proceed.

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