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vertex 10-01-2006 01:58 PM

Peppermint shrimp compatible with?
Hi, I've just started to get a bit of an aptasia problem so I added 3 peppermint shrimps to try to help with this. I have a six line wrass that immediately started harrassing them when they were added. Killed the lights, waited till morning and they were all missing in action by the next evening.

Did they get eating do you think or killed by the six line?

Also have a naso tang, yellow tangs, flame angel, blennys/gobies and emerald crab. Any of these guys culprits?

BTW: they were accliminate over a couple of hours and into the 120G and the tank parameters are all perfect.

BMW Rider 10-01-2006 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by vertex
Hi, I've just started to get a bit of an aptasia problem so I added 3 peppermint shrimps to try to help with this. I have a six line wrass that immediately started harrassing them when they were added. Killed the lights, waited till morning and they were all missing in action by the next evening.

Did they get eating do you think or killed by the six line?

Also have a naso tang, yellow tangs, flame angel, blennys/gobies and emerald crab. Any of these guys culprits?

BTW: they were accliminate over a couple of hours and into the 120G and the tank parameters are all perfect.

Give it some time, they tend to be shy and are very good at hiding. They may be in there somewhere still. Unless they are very small, I wouldn't think a sixline would get them, but it is possible.

vertex 10-01-2006 02:10 PM

I guess that is an option. I saw one thenext morning and one up against my overflow eggcrate. It had lost part of one front antenae so I figured it was getting attacked, especially up there at the water surface. Probably trying to hide. Now, nothing since (been a week) so I figured they were gonners.

Hopefully they reveal themselves sooner or later.

Kabong 10-01-2006 04:13 PM

I've heard of guy's getting peppermint's, Thinking they didn't make it.
Then 2 years later when they tore down there tank finding them.

There mostly nocturnal so your best bet is some late night flashlight hunting.

Todd 10-01-2006 05:49 PM

I got one that lasted about 28.5 seconds in my tank before my Purple Pseudochromis got it. So I don't think it is unlikely your sixline had a snack.

ryanfish 10-01-2006 06:24 PM

I added a small peppermint shrimp in my tank about 3 months ago and never saw it again, so I thought it died. Last week I was looking at my tank and saw it hidding in the rock work.

mark 10-01-2006 06:59 PM

Threw a peppermint in my tank in April (had 6-line, Purple Tang, couple of clowns and cleaner shrimp), seen him a couple of days later, not since.

Cleaner still around and not saying the MIA peppermint is related to the 6-line just pointing out...

And if it is still around, sure not doing much on my aptasias.

Delphinus 10-02-2006 04:56 AM

Peppermints are incredibly shy. Particularly small ones will disappear for months. You can really be fooled into thinking they're gone, but they're not, one day you'll be looking and notice them all of a sudden.

Not saying it's impossible otherwise though. But my guess is they're probably hiding.

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