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Keana 09-29-2006 09:02 PM

A few pics of my corals & inverts
I should be working right now, but..... That is the real problem in working for your self. It's sometimes hard to get yourself into the working mode. Any how, here are some pictures of a couple of corals and inverts in my tank. I have a fishless system, 27 gal tall tank, MH lighting, 30 gal sump, no skimmer I use a ton of cheato macro algae for control of nitrate and phosphate.

I feed a mix of DT's Oyster Eggs, and other zoo plankton's on a daily basis with some larger meaty items for the shrimps. I feed heavy! My nitrates have always been under 5ppm or undetectable with Salifet tests, CA & Kh are at 400-420 & High 8's to 10. A couple of the pictures you will see are of my Sea Apple. He/She is one of the creatures I most love to look at in the tank. I know there is some question as to the eggs of the sea apple killing inverts and totally killing fish. I have no fish and a friend of mine that had a sea apple and didn't know about the poison eggs lost all his fish but all inverts and coral lived and were unharmed. Even his eal made it just find but all other fish were gone. I have confidence that my inverts will be just fine should my sea apple turn out to be female.

Not sure what else to say, so on with the pictures:
Red Lobophyllia
Sea Apple
Sea Apple
Yellow Capricornis with Purple Polyps
Close Up of Yellow Capricornis with Purple Polyps
Close Up of Yellow Capricornis with Purple Polyps (Adjusted so the Purple Polyps stand out)
Small Sea Squirt
Some Zoa's

Beverly 09-29-2006 09:23 PM

Very nice :biggrin: Thanks for posting them.

fishface 09-29-2006 09:40 PM bout a full tank shot now?!

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