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andrewsk 09-28-2006 04:38 PM

Hi all,

I was one of the lucky ones to get a SOHOL Tang last week from Gold's in Calgary.

He is doing very well in quarantine right now but I am bit worried about how agressive they can be.

He will be in a 225 gallon tank with 2 Clowns, a Purple Tang, an Emporer Angel, a Hippo tang and probably another dwarf angel or 2.

Can anyone offer opinions or experience with these fish?



phreezee 09-28-2006 04:45 PM

He's the last one in, so he should be fine. Plus Hippo's aren't aggressive and the purple is different body shape.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 09-28-2006 04:46 PM

The Sohal & purple & Hippo will probably fight. Purples are aggressive. Hippos & Sohals share similar body shapes. In that size tank, is there any way you can build a separation chamber? I had one made from eggcrate, with edges zapstrapped. I would put in a fish for 5-7 days and then release it. The other fish would get all aggitated for the first few days but eventually they get used to the sight, smell, taste of the new fish & calm down. Aggression was much reduced afterwards when I let the new fish out. Didn't even have to rearrange my rockwork or anything.

Also, tangs get more aggressive if they feel that their foodsupply is threatened (from Coral magazine & my own observations) so I fed a lot & made sure they didn't feel like the new fish would cause the old ones to go hungry.



andestang 09-28-2006 04:49 PM

I had mine (4-5") in a 60g with an blue face angel, and he would just aggitate. At feeding time, aggresive (as in being quick and piggish) Then moved him into a 150g and a totally different fish, almost a model citizen and now one of my favorites. Yours being a bigger tank it should be fine.

Delphinus 09-28-2006 04:56 PM

Psst! "Sohal" tang :)

I can't offer any advice on their aggression, but that sure is a nice fish. I think I saw the one at the store too. Nice score! Good luck. :)

mwarf 09-30-2006 10:04 PM

I had a large Sohal mixed peacefully with a Hippo and Purple tang for over two years, he was the last one in in my tank too. I made the mistake of adding a chevron tang to the mix and he chewed his fins real good in a 24 hour period. He's now living in the display tank at Aquarium Enthusiasts (Edmonton) and happily harassing an XL powder blue among others.

My tank was a 90, I've since upgraded to a 120 - but still found that Sohal wanted more room for swimming.

Willito 09-30-2006 11:30 PM

I had a 6" for about 2 yrs. with various tangs, and let me tell ya, they may appear to coexist but no one is really happy with a devil in the water....there always seems to be a uneasiness with the sohal around....and it just gets worst by the day.

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