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MikeP 08-20-2006 12:21 AM

Will the floor hold my 190g...
I want the tank on my middle floor (my house is two levels with a basement). There is a main wall that the tank will be placed along. This wall runs from the ceiling through the middle floor and to the basement. It will be centered in-between another short wall that also does the same and an outside wall. The tanks weight will be spread across 3 stringers. I estimate the tank will weigh between 2000 and 2500 pounds.

Thanks for any help.

Psyire 08-20-2006 02:02 PM

Will it run parrallel or perpendicular to your floor joists?

MikeP 08-20-2006 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Psyire
Will it run parrallel or perpendicular to your floor joists?

It will be parrallel to the main wall, and perpendicular to the outside wall and other short wall I described and the stringers. I'm sorry I don't know my terminology very well. What I'm calling stringers could be joists.

fishmanty 08-20-2006 04:03 PM

Joists= large boards the run across the ceiling and are only supported on the ends by other walls.

If it runes parrallel to some, the weight won't be spread out enough, and could bring doing the single joist its on. If it cross over (Perpendicular) say 3 or 4, you could probably get away with a 190gallon on the main floor. If you are worried, you can always get some posts and set them up in your basement to support the beam (s) that the tank will be on... This would be the safest bet, because if the tank leaked or you spilt a lot of water or anything, the tank would most likely break through the softened wood

Old Guy 08-20-2006 04:18 PM


There is a main wall that the tank will be placed along

I take that statement as being along a load bearing wall. If thats the case you have nothing to worry about.

MikeP 08-20-2006 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Old Guy

I take that statement as being along a load bearing wall. If thats the case you have nothing to worry about.

Yes thats what I thought, this wall (in my mind) is helping hold up the third floor and then since it continues down to the foundation it holds up the main floor too. The 'outside wall' obviously is part of the framing of the house. So the tank is both perpendicular and parrallel to two of the main house structures.

MikeP 08-20-2006 04:52 PM

[quote=fishmanty]Joists= large boards the run across the ceiling and are only supported on the ends by other walls. If it runes parrallel to some, the weight won't be spread out enough, and could bring doing the single joist its on. /QUOTE]

In that case I believe it will run perpendicular to the joists which means the tank will have the load spread over three of them.

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