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RobbAdams 08-02-2006 08:32 PM

Aqualight into a Canopy
Are these things very hard to take apart and retro into a DIY Canopy? I would like the to be able to use the Actintic, and moon lights, with halide lights.


cav~firez22 08-03-2006 02:43 AM

take it apart. you will see it will be very eazy to retrofit. i did it it with my 36"

albert_dao 08-03-2006 11:53 PM

Do you already have the unit?

RobbAdams 08-04-2006 05:43 AM

Yep a 4 foot Lunar aqualight. about 6 months old according to the seller. I was thinking of runing Actintic(sp?) over the tank, as well as the moon lights (wow are they ever cool:mrgreen: ) I am debating on getting a second 175 watt MH, or perhaps trying to upgrade to 250's or 400's. and building a canopy

if I removed the 10,000k lights do you think I could retofit 250 watt DE's in their place and just run the fixture?

SeaHorse_Fanatic 08-04-2006 05:57 AM

Somebody else asked about redoing their 150w as a 250w & the cost was not going to make the project worthwhile because you would have to gut the unit since the entire MH system would have to be changed.

Rikko 08-07-2006 02:49 AM

It's certainly doable, and pretty easy. All you really need are the ballasts and bulb housings - I would toss the wiring (for the most part) and just replace it with new stuff so you get the length you need.
The PCs are just PC ballasts and end caps - it's dead simple if you observe the wiring properly. The MH are about the same beast, but you'll want to snip off the cords that connect the MH ballasts and resolder them to whatever lines you plan to use.

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