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Glennrf38 07-30-2006 05:37 PM

Pictures and ID please
Stupid noobie forgot to write what he bought down when he purchased them..... noobie being me :lol:

Picture 1 -Purple softie with bristle worms in it????

Picture 2 - Bubble coral (frog spawn??) and grass??

Picture 3 - button coral

Picture 4 - ??????????

Picture 5 - Hammer coral?

Picture 6 - spiky thing and grass

Note to self....... Write it down next time.



Kabong 07-30-2006 06:16 PM

Picture 1 not sure about the coral but yes that is a bristle worm.
Picture 2 circle 2 is green star polyps
Picture 3 trumpet coral or maybe a non expanded candy coral
Picture 4 something from the Anthelia sp maybe?
Picture 5 is frogspawn a close relative to hammer. Yes the head is punctured just keep an eye on it. It will either start to rot away or heal up
Picture 6 looks to be something from the toad stool family and the grass once again appears to be green star polyps.

niloc16 07-30-2006 07:42 PM

pic 3 - candy cane coral
pic 4 - anthelia
pic 6 bottom left corner is green star polyps

Glennrf38 07-30-2006 08:34 PM

Thanks guys

RobbAdams 07-31-2006 05:45 PM

I would bet that #1 is a clove polyp, that is just not extended.

Glennrf38 07-31-2006 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by RobbAdams
I would bet that #1 is a clove polyp, that is just not extended.

After my near miss at a giant temperature spike this morning (heater malfunction). I noticed that the clove polyp has started "blooming". Not much yet but I am holding out hope for it.......

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