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Kabong 07-28-2006 05:57 AM

A look at my 30Gal (56K warning)
Practicing with my camera today.
Here are some of the results. Some better then other's :lol:
For reference my camera is a crappy little Fuji FinePix A330

First up some shrooms

My Rescued bubble coral with a hitching Kenya tree? maybey a Colt?

Just got this guy last week. Lettuce nudibranch

My coral coated snail. Thorny Astrea coverd with porties i believe

One of my red banded turbos in front of my urchin.

Purple'ly blue zoa's

and my favorite shot of the day!
My pink and blue Ricordia.

TheReefGeek 07-28-2006 02:48 PM

Good pics, nice stuff!

Jaws 07-28-2006 03:09 PM

Looks good man.

Joe Reefer 07-28-2006 04:00 PM

I like the porites snail, I fraged some fugly zoos on a turbo snail once. :mrgreen:

Midknight 07-28-2006 04:17 PM

Beautiful pics. And I would like to know what the second pic is of also.
I have one like it and wasn't sure what it is.:lol:

Kabong 07-28-2006 06:40 PM

I got the snail like that from Alan at Creatures for $3 the price of the snail:biggrin: .
I've thought Ive fragging a good grower like GSP on to some snails,
But then i have this fear of him cruising around and spreading then all over the tank LOL.

I just posted a ID thread on RC and within the first minute I got 2 conformations of it being a Kenya tree.
So I guess thats what it is.

Doug 07-28-2006 07:09 PM

Great pics Jim.:smile:

danny zubot 07-28-2006 09:17 PM

Pretty good pics if you ask me. Love the porites covered snail. Gives me a few ideas about some GSP and my conch.:razz:

Manny 07-29-2006 06:28 PM

Nice pics. The snail is too funny. Do you have any full tank pics?

Kabong 07-29-2006 06:52 PM

No full tank pics.
The tank over all is kinda ugly. It was a work in progress that got rushed in to a working tank. So it has a coast to coast overflow that never been coverd over. End result you can see all the stuff thats supposed to be hiding back there, Heater, cheato, the capped off bulk heads. Once my 70g tank is set up everything will be transfered and I'll finish it up (probably into a seahorse tank)

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