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gbeef 07-20-2006 08:54 PM

Calgary reefers i wanna shoot pictures of your tank
Hi everyone im looking at getting a a stockphoto collection reef pictures. I have a pretty hefty camera setup. If you have a decent sized tank with healthy live stock let me know i would like the chance to come by and shoot some aquaria pictures.

Of couse all copies of the photos will be provided the owner.
And i wont be using anykinda flashes it will be pretty much point and shoot.
if your interested pm with your number.
this is calgary only of couse.

albert_dao 07-21-2006 04:16 AM

Hey Jackson, you're welcome to come by and take some shots of the store display!

danny zubot 07-25-2006 04:40 PM

I'm game, it can't hurt anything.:biggrin:

richtg 07-31-2006 05:28 AM

You can take some pics of my tank for the "what not to do" thread.

EmilyB 07-31-2006 07:09 AM

You can take pics of my tank teardown :lol: :mrgreen:

danny zubot 07-31-2006 03:09 PM


You can take pics of my tank teardown :lol: :mrgreen:
Which one?

BMW Rider 07-31-2006 04:13 PM

I'm open to this offer also. Maybe I'll finally have some good shots of my tank. Haven't had much luck at it myself.

Delphinus 07-31-2006 05:21 PM

I'm thinking the same thing as Ed .. I don't know if it's a psychological thing or what, but any picture I take of my tanks just "sucks" whereas I've seen pictures taken by others and I'm like .. "Wow, who's tank is that?" and then they're like, "Um .. this was your tank?" And then I'm all .. "Um .. oh. :redface:"

So yeah, count me in too. :lol: Sent ya a PM there, gbeef.


gbeef 08-01-2006 05:04 PM

hey guys thanks for all the pms and reply's i have a pretty hefty setup for camera equpiment. so i dont think it will a problem. Im going to on vaction till the 15th so ill be giving everyone a shout once i get back from vacation to arrange times.


Snappy 08-02-2006 03:13 AM

I am game. My pictures suck too. Will have to be soon though before I do my tear down. I need to create some new space.

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