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tango 07-07-2006 09:16 PM

My anemone
Hello everyone,
I recently bought a purple tipped anemone. He was doing very good. Today when I woke up he was as big as Ive ever saw him. After breakfast I went with my dad shopping. I got home after ward and my anemone is all shriveled up and is almost a gray colour. He is usaully a pearly white.Is he dieing or is this natural?:neutral:

muck 07-07-2006 09:26 PM

Welcome to Canreef!!

how about some more info?

- water params
- lighting
- tank size/mates

tango 07-07-2006 09:49 PM

My water is. amonia o,nitrite0.005,nitrate10mg,calcum 440,salinity1.024,temp81.1, and for ph 8.2
Tankmates,1strawberry dottyback,1blue sided fairy wrasse, 1tomatoe clown,
5green chromis, 1 scooter blenny.
For lighting I have coralife 192 powercompacts,10000k and atenic.
My tank is 72 gallons with a 20 gallon sump,and a turbo floater 1000 multi for a skimmer:smile:

Joe Reefer 07-07-2006 09:53 PM

My guess is that your not giving it enough light. Most anemones require more light than 92 watts of 10k pc.

Joe Reefer 07-07-2006 09:57 PM

Here is a link: Happy reading :biggrin:

EmilyB 07-07-2006 10:27 PM

Purple tipped? Condy, or LTA?

StirCrazy 07-07-2006 10:35 PM

what is your Alk? also I noticed that your tank is still cycling as you still have a nitrite reading.. Nitrite is very bad even at low concentrations but I don't have a chart so I can't tell off hand if yours is bad.. I will dig up my chart and see.


tango 07-07-2006 11:06 PM

its a purple tipped condy I dont think my tank is still cycling. i have had it up for 1 year and 1 1/2 months:mrgreen:

TheReefGeek 07-07-2006 11:44 PM

Sometimes they shrivel up to nothing as protection against something they think is dangerous, in which case it will puff up again soon.

tango 07-08-2006 12:00 AM

no I think hes dead now :cry: took him out of my tank and put him iin a hostpital tank. his stem is starting to turn black and his tentical are a blackish gray.:cry:

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