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StirCrazy 07-07-2006 08:09 AM

The Gods must be angry
Well once again, I come home to a dead tank, could have been worse.. how I am not sure.. it would seam before I left for holidays I was filling up the top off to make sure it was full so Brad wouldn't have much to do.. well our plans changed and I ended up leaving 15 min early and forgot about the water as it was before the timer went off.... so when Brad stopped by 3 days later to feed the fishies and such he called me and asked if there should be a river flowing out of the garage... to make a long story short Brad ended up sweeping the water out of my garage and adding salt to the tank in an effort to try save something.. I can only hope some of the bugs in the rock made it but everything else didn't.. guess a fresh water reef won't work after all.. oh well its a good thing I didn't have much in there except my Brain and about 200 bucks worth of new frags from Safari.


midgetwaiter 07-07-2006 08:41 AM

Aww man that's awful. Easy mistake to make I guess.

Chin_Lee 07-07-2006 08:48 AM

very sorry to hear Steve. thats pretty crappy to have happen twice in two years.

Petcrazy 07-07-2006 10:21 AM

Heck even once in two years would suck major...well we know where I'm going with this.

muck 07-07-2006 02:13 PM

shucks Steve.. that a tough one to take.
I'd be thankful that happened now while there wasn't much in there yet.

christyf5 07-07-2006 03:24 PM

What rotten luck. Hopefully you can salvage the rock. Sorry to hear that Steve :neutral:

TheReefGeek 07-07-2006 03:24 PM

What happened exactly, so others can learn from this unfortunate occurance and not make the same mistake.

Its not just about luck, I'm sure a series of timers and/or float switches could have been used to prevent something like this.

Lets figure out a system so it can't happen again

StirCrazy 07-07-2006 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by TheReefGeek
What happened exactly, so others can learn from this unfortunate occurance and not make the same mistake.

Its not just about luck, I'm sure a series of timers and/or float switches could have been used to prevent something like this.

Lets figure out a system so it can't happen again

nothing that fancy, it is a temporary tank holding 60 lbs of rock 4 corals and a clownfish while I clean out my big tank, it has only been running for 3 months or so and every week I turn on my RO (with out the booster pump) for between 1 hour and two hours to top off the water. well I was topping it up and had the timer set but we got messed up and left before the timer went off so I forgot to shut it off. Plain and simple stupidity.. my main tank has a float valve top off system that has worked flawless in 4 years with only a 5 min cleaning every 6 months.


KrazyKuch 07-07-2006 04:38 PM

Still sucks to hear!!!

StirCrazy 07-07-2006 04:38 PM

Thanks guys, ya it has been a string of events and I probably really should have done this at the same time as the last one but the tank came back so I didn't want to inter fear with it..

The rock is the main concern as I can get frags easy enough, but I think after it re-cures all I need to do is buy a new hunk of rock (or borrow some ones sump rock for a month or so) to reseed the rocks... I have to look again but the big pee off is all the coralline is probably gone off the rocks.


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