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Palster 06-21-2006 05:11 AM

I think my Bangaii Cardinalfish are breeding
I noticed my male Bangaii Cardinal fish did not eat when I fed everyone tonight and his jaw was bulging so I am assuming he has a brood of eggs in his mouth. He is still health looking and very active (I have raised mouth brooding Cichlids for years so I am making an assumption based on past experience with Cichlids). I have never raised juvenile salt water fish before and was wondering how difficult it would be to raise the babies to maturity. I understand it will be necessary to feed brine shrimp naupli. Does anyone have any experience raising Cardinal fish to maturity and if so was it worth the effort? Also how difficult is it to hatch the brine shrimp and do the Cardinal fish fry need to be removed from the reef tank?

Ruth 06-21-2006 05:19 AM

I don't have any personal experience but the 2 Bangaii Cardinals that are in my tank came from another reefer up here who has had quite a few batches. Basically he just lets things go and a few of the babies usually end up in his sump where they stay and grow. He doesn't feed them anything other than what is already in the sump.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-21-2006 05:59 AM

Yes it is worth the effort. Bangaiis are cool fish & hatching baby brine shrimp is very easy. You can also get cyclopeeze (freeze dried or frozen) to feed them since they are quite large when born (compared to clownfish babies).

On another note, my family & I will be touring southern BC at the end of the month so I might be in Kelowna soon. :) If you want, I may be able to bring you some stuff from the coast if you need anything.


Xtasia 06-21-2006 06:47 AM

Hi Palser. I got mine from a local breeder.. Mine are doing the same thing.. I'll keep you posted on what's going on in my end..

I just put a load of cyclopeeze to swirl around in the tank.

Good luck!

i have crabs 06-21-2006 05:55 PM

i have raised a few batches,it will take about 4-5 weeks before he sill spit them out,if you have a seperate tank to move him too that would be a good idea however do not net him out or he will spit them out in the net,once they hatch they will eat babybrine right away live is better but mine also ate frozen.

Palster 06-22-2006 04:04 AM

So if the male will spit out the babies if and when I net him then how do I move him to another tank (I have a 20 gallon hospital tank already running). What is cyclopeeze? (not sure if the LFS here in Kelowna stock it).

Also thank you Anthony (SeaHorse Fanatic) for the offer to deliver from the coast. I may take you up on it. Can I send you a PM if I decide I need anything?

SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-22-2006 04:05 AM

Sure. Send me a pm. I have some freeze dried cyclopeeze (tiny pods) & maybe some frzn ones that I can bring with me on the trip.


Midknight 06-22-2006 04:20 AM

I would try and use your hand and stear him into some form of bucket or clear container. My guess you don't want him "feeling" trapped like he would in a net.

i have crabs 06-22-2006 02:22 PM

ya catch him in a juice jug or something like that so he never leaves the water remember you will have 4-5 weeks before they are ready and thats only if he holds them till thier ready,the first 3-4 time mine did it they would disapear after 2-3 weeks,also i would skip the cyclopyse and just stick with the babay brine live and frozen and add selcon or some other vitamin to them.

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