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safety4fire 06-20-2006 02:00 AM

Sea Slugs
Does any one have on in their tank, What do they eat, what are they like to keep?

albert_dao 06-20-2006 05:33 AM

No one keeps them with success. Pending on the species, their diets are extremely selective and, in many cases, limited, eg. some species will ONLY eat cerianthids and some may only restrict their prey to two or three species of bryozoans. If anyone tells you they eat algae, pure BS. No nudibranches eat algae.

camrock 06-20-2006 06:08 AM

well i think you are full of bs,i had a bad algae problem in my tank 3 months ago
and he has aten about90% of it and he is doing quiet well

Hermit Mel 06-20-2006 06:10 AM

are you sure you dont have a sea hare, and not a nudi?

Hermit Mel

albert_dao 06-20-2006 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by camrock
well i think you are full of bs,i had a bad algae problem in my tank 3 months ago
and he has aten about90% of it and he is doing quiet well

Hi, you're pretty abrassive. Would you care to revoke your statement? Or should I make you look like an idiot?

demon666 06-20-2006 06:39 AM

hold on there albert no need for such harsh words..........."make you look like an idiot" i beleive this statement has already made you look like one........... just tell everyone what you about these slugs so everyone can learn...... no need to bash someone or tell them you are going to make them look like an idiot...........IMO

albert_dao 06-20-2006 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by demon666
hold on there albert no need for such harsh words..........."make you look like an idiot" i beleive this statement has already made you look like one........... just tell everyone what you about these slugs so everyone can learn...... no need to bash someone or tell them you are going to make them look like an idiot...........IMO

My apologies to the general public. However, no such apologies to the one who says I'm full of BS. Thx.

I'll wait for a reply Mr. Knowitall before I start making referrences to information on nudibranches.

demon666 06-20-2006 06:54 AM

i must appologize to you as well albert i dont think you should have been told you were full of "bs"......... must be a newbi to sw or just the form and doesnt realize who you are........

so sorry for only giveing you shit i should have refered to both

Kabong 06-20-2006 07:21 AM

LOL gotta love the newbs.

As for the question ill second Albert's opinion.
Nudi's are a waste of your money. They will just end up dying.
Even the ones that we use to eliminate other pests in our tanks aren't even usually worth it.
They usually starve before they can completely take care of the pests (flatworms, Apstasia)
I've heard that lettuce nudi's are the exception to the rule but I could be wrong.

Tangman 06-20-2006 12:36 PM

Hey , Albert, I agree with your advice on sea slugs, but don't get up set if someone says your comment is "BS" , when it was you that originally said "if they eat algae, pure BS"
That's the problem with bashing or using words like "BS" you don't have to even mean it, and someone can take an offense.
Just my 2 cents...

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