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Diana 04-11-2006 05:14 PM

Woke up to a suprise this morning!
I knew there must have been something waking me up early.... I got up... looked in my seahorse tank and saw....


I didn't even know my male was pregnant! You can imagine my suprise... I've only had my ponies a few weeks and they are already breeding. So I set up an emergency fry tank and started decapsulating some baby brine shrimp. EEEEK I hope some survive!

These are TINY buggers. I mean, less than 1 cm in length from head to tail.

Some pictures!

After removing them from the parent's tank:

The fry tank:

And the little buggers:


christyf5 04-11-2006 05:27 PM

OMG! That is so awesome :cool:

Good luck raising them! :biggrin:

OCDP 04-11-2006 05:28 PM

Very cool.. Good luck

sumpfinfishe 04-11-2006 05:45 PM

Congrats! there sooooo cute :biggrin:


SeaHorse_Fanatic 04-11-2006 06:34 PM


PMed you back some info. Cool pix. Congrats on the baby ponies & good luck with their care.


Chad 04-11-2006 06:40 PM

Just wondering if anyone has used the baby seahorses as live feed for their reef tank? assuming you are not capable of breeding the necessary foods for them to live.

andestang 04-11-2006 06:41 PM

that is awesome :mrgreen: Good luck & keep us posted

muck 04-11-2006 06:42 PM

wow.. those little ponies sure are small.
Good luck raising them!! :biggrin:

Beverly 04-11-2006 08:58 PM

What species are they? I'm thinking they are too small to eat newly hatched brine shrimp until they get a bit bigger. For the next few weeks, they will probably only eat rotifers. Hope I am wrong, though. Good luck with them :)

Funky_Fish14 04-11-2006 10:22 PM

Congrats on the little babies! I wish you the best of luck in raising them!

Chad, I know that corals will eat them if they manage to land on a sticky part of a brain or such, and I know people who's fish in the same tank as the horses have eaten them. Not quite sure how good a food it is though?


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