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Bill 04-11-2006 04:20 PM

cant keep cheato alive
Hey everyone,

I need some help / advice with cheato algae. I have a 180g with 33g sump. Sump has a dsb with cheato floating on top. Flow thru sump is about 500gph. I use a 13W coil type fluorescent bulb from home depot. Light is on 24/7 and about 3-4 inches above algae. I use a calcium reactor, a little ozone with carbon, and I add a bit of kalk to the top off water.

The small amount of grape caulerpa that I have is growing like there’s no tomorrow, however, the cheato is turning white and crusty on top. Underneath, it’s still green, but grows slowly. Top looks almost like it’s bleaching. About a week ago I added a powerhead to increase flow, but no improvement. Now, it looks like there’s fuzzy green algae growing on top of the cheato. Could it be the pH swing from the kalk? Too much light? Too much iron? Not enough iron? Still not enough flow?

Thanks guys.

christyf5 04-11-2006 04:51 PM

It probably needs more light. I had a bunch grow like crazy in my little 5 gallon refugium with 2x13watt bulbs but when I upgraded to a 25 gallon refugium the chaeto started to dwindle and what was previously football sized shrunk to the size of an orange even with a lighting upgrade to 2x23 watt bulbs. I added a canadian tire fixture with another 23 watt bulb and the chaeto is flourishing now. I'm even thinking of putting a stronger bulb on there if I can find one. Definitely try the more light thing to start before you start putting any additives in or something like that.

Kryten 04-11-2006 05:37 PM

Does it need a 'night' cycle?

Willow 04-11-2006 05:44 PM

your grape caulerpa is also out competing for nutrients. get rid of that and your cheato will start to grow.

aquanot 04-11-2006 11:43 PM

I 2nd that. Willow is always right. Not like that S_ _r_ _ _ _y guy!

Willow 04-11-2006 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by aquanot
Willow is always right. Not like that S_ _r_ _ _ _y guy!

i have no idea what that means?

Bill 04-12-2006 02:15 AM

ok, caulerpa is gone. It was hard letting it go cause it's the only algae that I can keep alive...

I also added more light.

Thanks everyone.

Quagmire 04-12-2006 04:22 AM

Kryten brings up a good point also.Caulerpa is about the only macro that does well without a rest ( day/night periods ).Your Chaeto should grow better without 24hr light.

Bill 04-12-2006 03:50 PM

Not sure why I thought cheato is ok with 24hour cycle, I think I read it somewhere. Anyway, I added more flow, more light, and now reverse daylight cylce.

Willow 04-12-2006 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Bill
Not sure why I thought cheato is ok with 24hour cycle, I think I read it somewhere. Anyway, I added more flow, more light, and now reverse daylight cylce.

it is ok, in fact it will grow better on a 24/hour cycle. it cannot go sexual, it's not like other caulerpa.

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