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Delphinus 03-21-2006 09:35 PM

How much do you spend each month?
Ok, everytime I buy something new, I find myself thinking, "Ok this will be it for a while." And yet .. we all know, it never is..

So this has my (perhaps morbid) curiousity picqued ... how much do we spend on this hobby per month, buying, y'know... "stuff"? This could be pumps, skimmers, lights, livestock. Obviously most of us don't buy a new pump each and every month, but mind you, when you do, it puts a dent in our "average" monthly costs.

Let's exclude things like electricity and utilities since that will push the numbers way over the edge.

muck 03-21-2006 09:44 PM

I have no clue.
Really don't want to start adding it up though.. :eek:

Delphinus 03-21-2006 09:46 PM

I know, and most of us probably don't want to know.

But on the other hand.. maybe this is good information. How much do you expect to spend in a year, and divide that by 12 to give you an accurate idea how much to budget off each paycheque.

Lights need replacin' .. reactor media needs toppin' up ... ooh look at that lovely frag.. ... Oho, look at this cool pump! :lol:

muck 03-21-2006 09:47 PM

I got a feeling that this year I will be spending a fortune on stuff.. :wink:

Invigor 03-21-2006 09:50 PM

as little as possible :D damn those impulse buys

digital-audiophile 03-21-2006 09:52 PM

$200+ a month without even trying.

Paverdude 03-21-2006 09:56 PM

How much do you expect to spend in a year, and divide that by 12 to give you an accurate idea how much to budget off each paycheque.

That works out to more than my paycheck!:surprise: :surprise:

Ruth 03-21-2006 10:35 PM

lalalalalalalalalalalalal - I don't hear you. Don't want to know - just know it's lots.

Beverly 03-21-2006 10:51 PM

Good question.....

I buy a lot of dry goods (salt, light bulbs/lightbulbs :wink: , additives, RO filters, etc.) in bulk, so it would be hard to calculate that part. For fish and corals, though, I'm pretty well stocked to my personal limit, so I rarely buy livestock. Not even going to hazard a guess.

Tom R 03-21-2006 11:49 PM

I have to make a conscious decision to stay away from MLFS as it si very easy to spend $100 to $200. I try to buy most of my major supplies on the J&L christmas sales. I also look for their monthly specials as this helps when it comes to replacing lights, salt, filter and additives.

Tom R

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