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Buddyboy 03-06-2006 10:41 PM

Tap water! Bad idea????
Hi All,

Just wanted to know your opinion on using tap water for an initial tank fillup?
I have a rinky dinky little Aqua Pharm Tap Water conditioner and i'm not looking forward to having to make 38G of RO water with it. Seems like it would take quite a while. Would using tap water to start out my tank be a bad idea? Would successive water changes with RO water clean up (dilute) any chlorine, phosphates, etc. in the tap water? I plan on having a few hardy corals, a few fish, cleaner shrimp, etc. Also, does anyone here use tap water in their reefs? Thanks for your help!


Murminator 03-06-2006 10:46 PM

I use good ol tap water :mrgreen:

DanG 03-06-2006 11:00 PM

I'd find a local reefer that will let you fill a couple of pails with some rodi water. It will help you get a better start for your tank.

Psyire 03-06-2006 11:03 PM

Bad Idea.

When I test filled my 180g with tapwater, it was yellow. lol

Buddyboy 03-06-2006 11:03 PM

And not afraid to admit it! hahaha Do you use anything to condition the water? Or do you just let it sit for awhile?

Also, I know all tap waters aren't created equal. I live in Vancouver (Surrey). Does anyone know what the tap water is like in this neck of the woods? Water might be cleaner in Edmonton. (wouldn't be surprised!)


TheReefGeek 03-07-2006 12:30 AM

Edmonton water is running at 150ppm right now according to my TDS meter. But it changes seasonally, and you never know what you might get in tap water, if the treatment plant needs to, they dose chemicals to control algae outbreaks and such.

So I say Bad Idea, for long term success go with distilled, RO, or RODI. And you might as well set yourself up for success from the beginning, because believe me you are going to have your share of trouble with a new tank as it is.

Bob I 03-07-2006 01:05 AM

Unlike some people on this board I don't claim to know everything. Therefore I won't give advice. From my experience it all depends where you are. Where I live in Calgary, I have had a great deal of success with my tap water. I don't believe for one minute that chemicals get added willy nilly. However, I will say that when I lived in Vancouver many years ago, I had little success with tap water. But then we used Gro-Lux lights because they looked cool. No wonder we fought Cyano all the time. So I say use tap water with caution. Check with people close to you to see if they have success before you do.:mrgreen:

McNasty 03-07-2006 01:16 AM

just a suggestion, and I started my tank with tap water , was okay till water changed in the spring and I ended up with a tank of rock covered with hair algea. went to rodi and never looked back.

If i was to fill a tank now I would try and see if you can get water from established tanks from people doing water changes. will help start your tank off quicker for one, save you on the cost of salt as the water you would get would be for the drain any ways.

TheReefGeek 03-07-2006 01:19 AM


Unlike some people on this board I don't claim to know everything.
Is that relevant to this post? Why would you even say that?


Therefore I won't give advice.
Well nobody knows everything, but people come here for advise, so who is supposed to give it? God doesn't frequent the board too often.

dirtyreefer 03-07-2006 01:28 AM

The TDS in Vancouver is alot lower than in the interior. I tested the TDS at 17ppm and I still won't use it. That is unless you enjoy battling hair algae and putting things into your aquarium that you have no idea about.

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