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mr_alberta 02-26-2006 12:54 AM

Let see some Clams
I seem to have gotten a clam bug lately :wink:

Lets see what you've got!

Here is one of mine (thanks Josh):

Samw 02-26-2006 01:38 AM

Joe Reefer 02-26-2006 01:47 AM

bulletsworld 02-26-2006 03:55 AM

o.k I'm living vicariously through you guys since I am in the process of converting my main tank to FO. BOooHOO

Beautiful clams guys! Keep the pic's coming! :wink:

Funky_Fish14 02-26-2006 07:19 AM

Awesome looking clams! I dont have a good picture of my Crocea, so I'll get a good one of it, as well as my squamosa.

For now, here is a pic of my crocea with a rather un-intelligent clown goby I used to have:


EmilyB 02-26-2006 07:35 AM

Josh, you sold my clammy ?? :razz:

rickjames 02-26-2006 09:29 PM

Snappy 02-27-2006 11:03 PM

Snappy 02-27-2006 11:05 PM

Above and below are of one of my crocea's. A little on the plain side compared to some of the clams on this thread.

BlkWolfe 03-08-2006 07:53 AM

Hey Deb

Harv's been begging for a gold teardrop for ages, and the clam wasn't real happy in the sandbed, nowhere low flow enough to extend. And would never attach anywhere in the rockwork. Saw him at harvs the other day and the little guy looks beautiful.

I will however never be parting with the gold striped purple maxi :D

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