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Montana 02-11-2006 09:25 PM

algae problems
just started my salt water tank. can some one tell me if this slimey algae will go away, my tank is onley 1.5 months old.

Ruth 02-11-2006 09:47 PM

Is there any way that you can post a picture. There are a couple of kinds of slimey algea that are quite common in the hobby. One is dinoflaglets (sp) and the other is cynobacteria. The dino is usually brown with bubbles forming in and under it and is quite often called snot algea - pray you don't have this one. The other is cyno and it is usually dark brown to red and can also have bubbles in and under it and although it can be hard to get rid of it is not as bad a dino's.

Montana 02-11-2006 11:38 PM

here are some pics of the algae

Ruth 02-11-2006 11:57 PM

Well to me that looks like diatoms and that is pretty normal with a new tank. If your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings are at zero you could start adding snails and crabs (if you want - personally I hate crabs) and they should clean it up.
Have you been doing water changes? Because that can help as well.

Montana 02-12-2006 12:26 AM

All my nitrite, ammonia, levels are at 0. ph is at 8.4 and my lighting is on for 6hours, one auctonic, one full spectrum. so this algae is going to be growing until i get some algae eaters .

tbone 02-16-2006 09:52 PM

give it some time. it will go away soon.
are those base rock you have in your tank? do you have any LR in there. it might help and speed up the process.

muck 02-16-2006 10:11 PM

Is that Tufa rock?

Montana 02-16-2006 10:50 PM

the rock is tufa rock, i have the algae on my live rock to, but it wont show up in the picture as good. I have about 20lbs so far in fiji and 20 in tonga.

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