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Dad 02-11-2006 07:48 PM

Bristle Star forsale (Edmonton) with Pics
Here is the Bristle star, needs to come out, getting to big for the tank, hope to sell him local or he going to West Edmonton Mall

these pics where taken 4 months ago, so he has grown from them

trade for Clam or various other softie corals or if ya want you can just have him :D :D

geopod 02-11-2006 08:05 PM

I dont think he out grew the tank...i think the tank shrunk....need a bigger tank.....

bulletsworld 02-11-2006 08:44 PM

or beermaster nets for brittle star? Hehe Think of it as travel time!

All kidding aside.... the nets are beermasters regardless...he is welcome to pickup anytime.

S-B 02-11-2006 09:46 PM

that looks like a green serpent , I had one ate some of my fish .

bulletsworld 02-12-2006 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by S-B
that looks like a green serpent , I had one ate some of my fish .

Yup, thats what it is. I had one once to a long while back. Sure miss that guy. Only thing he ate was.....all my shrimps went missing. I traded him & they ended up joking at a reef meet how they smashed it on their driveway after it ate something of theirs too. To this day I'm still mad about them doing that. It sure was a lesson to me about who I trade/sell to. I would have gladly took Mr. star back. :0(

I heard of someone else telling me about serpent that ate a small fish as well.

S-B 02-12-2006 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by bulletsworld
Yup, thats what it is. I had one once to a long while back. Sure miss that guy. Only thing he ate was.....all my shrimps went missing. I traded him & they ended up joking at a reef meet how they smashed it on their driveway after it ate something of theirs too. To this day I'm still mad about them doing that. It sure was a lesson to me about who I trade/sell to. I would have gladly took Mr. star back. :0(

I heard of someone else telling me about serpent that ate a small fish as well.

That's too bad . mine ate 4 chromis out of 6 and 2 peppermint shrimp . I
wondered why some times late at night he looked puffed up ? now I know.
mine went back to the store and is living fine in a sump . He's close to 12 inches across .

They are a great looking star if you ask me

kuatto 02-12-2006 02:43 AM

One of the nicest examples I've seen in a long time.
Lee,the brittle ate all of my reef cleaners and several small fish(couple hundred dollars),I never did take him to the drive way(was mad enough though)John came by and rescued him :)

Ruth 02-12-2006 02:43 AM

Well Lee your Sebae anemone is still looking awesome in my tank and no chance am I going to do anything bad to it even if it eats a fish or two.

bulletsworld 02-13-2006 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by kuatto
Lee,the brittle ate all of my reef cleaners and several small fish(couple hundred dollars),I never did take him to the drive way(was mad enough though)John came by and rescued him :)

Hey you guys told me ya smashed the Serpent! You mean you actually didn't & were messing with me! You guys left me to believe ya killed him! *SMACK* Well glad John saved him. :0)


Originally Posted by Ruth
Well Lee your Sebae anemone is still looking awesome in my tank and no chance am I going to do anything bad to it even if it eats a fish or two.

Thanks Ruth! *HUGS* I raised that Sebae & had it for over three years, never ate a shrimp or fish. I had a maroon clown that kept it well fed though. I dont worry about the Sebae though, I know its in good hands now. *wink*

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