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BCOrchidGuy 01-04-2006 03:16 AM

15 G with 175 MH??
I got a killer deal on a Coralife (older) 175 w MH unit today with 2x20w Actinics. Is this going to be to much light for most common corals, I'm going to get some Acropora, Monti's etc, Candycane, Frogspawn etc etc etc.

Any input would be appreciated


AndyL 01-04-2006 03:31 AM

No such thing as too much, I've got 150 hqi on a 10 :)

Just don't plan to keep mushrooms or anything low light loving

Murminator 01-04-2006 04:01 AM

I have a 400W on a 29G and everything loves it but mushrooms tend to hide from it

Stasher 01-04-2006 04:46 AM

Mushrooms will be little specks with that light definately. I would worry about the heat though. It won't be a problem, you just need to be aware of the fact that you will need to manage it.

fortheloveofcrabs 01-27-2006 09:58 PM

I have a 175 20,000k on a 16gal sumped nano. Everything is doing great (my bubble coral aside, sob sob) I do have mushrooms in my tank... They love the light, a little too much if you ask me. I bought 2 (one red and one blue) for I think 4$ at a meeting at Bev's house. I now have a good 30 to 40 red and blue mushrooms. They grow a little too fast. They grow everywhere. On the rock, on the sand - even on the glass!!! They have even spred to my sump. They almost completely fule my reefing hobby with money by selling and trading them, so it's not a bad thing. As well, I have red ones grwoing on my very exposed power heads, so that helped for looks a lot. It's nice having the light, but you will probably have to invest in a chiller for the summer. Mine is 8 inches from the surface and the water get pretty warm in the summer. Any-hoo, my long winded answer is no, I don't think it will be too much light. More light is good!! OooooOOOooo!! Birght! Hope this helps.


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