fortheloveofcrabs |
01-27-2006 09:58 PM |
I have a 175 20,000k on a 16gal sumped nano. Everything is doing great (my bubble coral aside, sob sob) I do have mushrooms in my tank... They love the light, a little too much if you ask me. I bought 2 (one red and one blue) for I think 4$ at a meeting at Bev's house. I now have a good 30 to 40 red and blue mushrooms. They grow a little too fast. They grow everywhere. On the rock, on the sand - even on the glass!!! They have even spred to my sump. They almost completely fule my reefing hobby with money by selling and trading them, so it's not a bad thing. As well, I have red ones grwoing on my very exposed power heads, so that helped for looks a lot. It's nice having the light, but you will probably have to invest in a chiller for the summer. Mine is 8 inches from the surface and the water get pretty warm in the summer. Any-hoo, my long winded answer is no, I don't think it will be too much light. More light is good!! OooooOOOooo!! Birght! Hope this helps.