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fortheloveofcrabs 01-01-2006 07:23 PM

Glass Cleaning and Skimming
Hey all,

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas (err, rather happy generic holiday season for all you PC types!) :) What is the best way to clean glass? I have a mag float, and those pads, but nothing I have is ideal. How do you guys clean your glass? What about all of you bow front owners? Blades and mags are less than... umm... good for those tanks.

Oh, yeah, does anyone have a Red Sea Prizm skimmer? Would it fit on a 5.5 gal hagen tank? If not, is there a skimmer that does? Further more, has any one used the Sander piccolo protein skimmers?


lil_clownfish13 01-02-2006 04:23 AM

I've always used a straight razor-- and when held at the right angle they really dont cause damage to the glass at all, especially when they are kept clean and free of rust. The only thing to watch is when u are scraping around or close to the silicon adhesion for ur tank pieces-- Be leaks baaaad!

The other thing ive used are those "algae scrubber" pad things-- take a little more elbow grease-- esp. for coralline, but y'know...

just my 2 cents


littlevicious18 01-02-2006 11:39 PM

a good OLD credit card works well, or another card of sorts, but we all know everyone has a credit card lol

Psyire 01-03-2006 02:52 AM

Get a more powerful magnet cleaner like a Magnavore or one of the one's by 'Algae Free'. These make Magfloats look like refridgerator magnets.

fortheloveofcrabs 01-03-2006 05:47 AM

Thanks for the input guys. Anyone ever use one of those plastic blade scrapers? As far as the razor is concerned, I would be leary on a bow front, no? As well, I have scratched my glass with a mag float (a peice of sand between it and the glass), I would be leary of a stronger magnet!


scub steve 01-03-2006 03:55 PM

i have a 90 gal corner bowfront and i use a razor to clean it and i use a alge scrubber for the corners and i have never had a problem

fortheloveofcrabs 01-05-2006 04:58 PM

Cool. Thanks for your input.


Jason McK 01-05-2006 05:07 PM

Ocean Motions has a cool Magfloat mod that attaches a blade to the float.

Check it out on their web site

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