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scuglass 12-31-2005 01:32 AM

does ur bta move
just wondering if most btas stay put when they find a spot they like or if they always move. how many of you keep btas in ur reef tanks. how do u keep them from stinging ur corals?
thanks scott

vanreefer 12-31-2005 01:34 AM

mine moved until it was happy.. then I placed corals around it

Shy_Koi 12-31-2005 02:01 AM

Mine never moved from it's spot, in a 15g nano, for almost 2 yrs. Then, about 3 weeks ago (just about the time I wanted to move it to a 55g) it split for the first time, and both "halves" cruised around a 10lb rock for about a week. The poor things are now adjusting to life in a 55g, and still continue to cruise around the same rock.....


vertex 12-31-2005 03:07 AM

Same here, moved around for the first week or two and stayed in a spot it liked. If you don't drastically change anything or the flow near them, they will most likely stay put. Mine always moved though again after splitting for a week or two then settled down again.

Mine in low flow areas always settle quite high in the tank for lots of light (I assume) and the higher flow areas, they will settled sooner (even if its lower with less light) to get a good grip and hold on. Maybe a coincidence, but mine seem to behave that way at least...

DanG 12-31-2005 04:15 PM

I put it where I wanted it, then it moved to be where it wanted to be. It's been in the same spot for the last year. It's started moving a bit again, it's about 2 inches from where it was, but still hasn't left the rock he's on.

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