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Doormatt 12-18-2005 05:02 PM

What to feed clownfish?
I picked up a pair of captive bred clowns from OA yesterday, and I forgot to ask a vital question...What the heck do I feed these guys?

I've got:
  • Brine Shrimp
  • Bloodworms
  • Red or Green or Purple Seaweed Flakes (SeaVeggies)
  • Red or Green or Purple Seaweed Sheets (SeaVeggies)
I've heard that the brine isn't the best for them, although they'll eat it readily. Personally, I figure bloodworms should be okay, but what I've read says they're omnivores, so I'm sure the seaweed will be okay as well.

Your thoughts?

Ruth 12-18-2005 05:19 PM

They will eat just about anything in my experience. I feed mine a mixture of homemade goop that contains lots of meaty stuff as well as nori, formula 1 and 2 flakes, cyclopeeze, garlic and selcon. They also readily accept mysis shrimp, which I believe is much more nutritious than brine. From what I have read brine shrimp, unless live or somehow gut loaded are sort of like popcorn - good to eat but does absolutely nothing for you nutritionally.

Biotech 12-18-2005 05:27 PM

Ditto. They eat anything.

Doormatt 12-18-2005 05:36 PM

Interesting...They just turned down seaweed flakes. Now, keep in mind this isn't a "flake" food, it's just dried seaweed.

Methinks I'll go buy a pack of frozen mysis shrimp later on.

Ruth 12-18-2005 05:41 PM

Matt when I feed mysis shrimp I thaw out the little cubes on a piece of paper towel and then rinse it in RODI water before mixing with some tank water to feed. I have read that there may be phosphates and other preservatives that they use when freezing this stuff that can build up in your tank over time. I don't know if it's true but why take a chance.

KrazyKuch 12-18-2005 06:54 PM

My clowns will eat anything I throw at them except for sea veggies!!!!

andestang 12-18-2005 07:13 PM

I also supplement mine with some cyclop-eeze flakes for good coloration.

Doormatt 12-18-2005 10:13 PM

Even more intresting. They also turned down brine shrimp (frozen).

We'll see how they do with Mysis tomorrow.

KrazyKuch 12-18-2005 10:37 PM

How big are they???

Doormatt 12-18-2005 10:51 PM

Fairly small. Maybe a inch, inch and a quarter long?

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