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Reefhawk1 11-28-2005 07:22 AM

Bad Sea Hare..... Bad!!!!
Hello everyone, I thought I would share a recent event that took place the other night.

I came home yesterday to find my 30 gallon cube had overflowed all over my basement floor :eek:. The return pump had drained my 33 gallon sump and dried out all of my frags and a couple of mother colonies I had been keeping in there. So after cleaning up the wet carpet with a shop vac I started to investigate why it had spilled over.After a scan of the system I couldn't find anything wrong. I emptied the sump contents into the main tank and went to bed after a few hours of cleaning. The next morning I went to further investigate why the system overflowed and to my surprise I found my sea hare had slipped through the egg crate on my overflow box and stuffed his fat butt into the drain tube :cry: . Has this ever happened to anyone else?

Anyone suggestions on a type of mesh to place over the egg crate?

SeaHorse_Fanatic 11-28-2005 07:34 AM

The fibreglass or plastic mesh used on storm windows would work but may be too fine? Maybe onion sacking?

Anyone else?

BT05 11-28-2005 08:44 AM

Hard to believe that a big fat sea hare can squeeze through the spaces between eggcrate isn't it? Well it actually happened to me recently but fortunately my tank didn't overflow (sorry to hear about yours though) since the standpipe is so large. Since then I just superglued some plastic cross-stitching sheet over the original eggcrate. Durable and easy to clean with a scotch brite pad and rigid enough to keep smaller snails and fish out. Wal-mart or any craft store sells it for dirt cheap.

Reefhawk1 11-28-2005 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by BT05
Hard to believe that a big fat sea hare can squeeze through the spaces between eggcrate isn't it? Well it actually happened to me recently but fortunately my tank didn't overflow (sorry to hear about yours though) since the standpipe is so large. Since then I just superglued some plastic cross-stitching sheet over the original eggcrate. Durable and easy to clean with a scotch brite pad and rigid enough to keep smaller snails and fish out. Wal-mart or any craft store sells it for dirt cheap.

Thanks for the Tip :cool:

muck 11-28-2005 03:08 PM

I use gutterguard over my eggcrating. You can pickup a 8 foot by 8" roll i believe at HomeDepot for cheap.
Or if you can't find any Stan I have a few rolls kicking around.

Chin_Lee 11-28-2005 03:47 PM

Yeah mine got stuck for 2 days and i had to break the egg crate to get it out. When I tired, it started squirting purple ink everywhere :evil:

I have seen some dumb things in my life and my sea hare has probably topped the list at this point.

doublette 11-28-2005 04:17 PM

Hubby has had to cut our sea hare out of the egg crate twice! Amazing they can squeeze into such small spaces with that big butt! :lol:

Reefhawk1 11-29-2005 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by muck
I use gutterguard over my eggcrating. You can pickup a 8 foot by 8" roll i believe at HomeDepot for cheap.
Or if you can't find any Stan I have a few rolls kicking around.

Thanks Ryan, I will check out Home depot :biggrin:

Reefhawk1 11-29-2005 04:20 PM

Re: dumb

Originally Posted by chin_lee
Yeah mine got stuck for 2 days and i had to break the egg crate to get it out. When I tired, it started squirting purple ink everywhere :evil:

I have seen some dumb things in my life and my sea hare has probably topped the list at this point.

My sea hare started to puke out the purple stuff as well and all I did is pick it up out of the overflow. This species are defiantly at the bottom of the food chain for intelligence.

Thanks for the responses everyone :biggrin:

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